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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Quite some time ago I asked 5i for a comparison of JD and AMZN . JD was the clear winner on valuation but 5i favored AMZN. I bought JD anyway and took a bath on it . But according to your disclaimer so did you. { Either that or you've held a short position for a world record time } ..... I liked the company when it was $83 and I still like the company now though it has slipped to a 1% position in my portfolio .... Just saw their earnings report which was a beat and it looks like they are doing some interesting expansions. Could 5i offer an opinion on the expansions ? And which would you give the edge to, JD or PDD and why ? ..... And do you see the " China Factor " as continuing to plague these companies ? With the U.S. talking trade war I am a bit leery in spite of these extremely attractive valuations ......
Read Answer Asked by Garth on May 23, 2024
Q: Hi 5i Team,

I have a handful of losers that I'm trying to decide what to do with. Using your crystal ball, which of these would you continue to hold and which would you dump?
Read Answer Asked by David on May 03, 2024
Q: Hi 5i Team,

I'm trying to clean up my US Portfolio so that I'm at 20-25 equities total. Please advise which 20-25 companies you would keep for a 5-10+ hold with balance/diversification but also some growth in mind.
Read Answer Asked by David on April 30, 2024
Q: HI folks
Sadly, I am down on all of these somewhere between 60 to 95%!!! They mostly but not all started out as somewhat small positions 2 to 4 years ago! I have time to wait longer but: 1)are there any that are absolute failures and therefore should be sold. 2) Would you please rate the selIs from 1 to 10 ..10 being the absolute SELL. 3)How many years should I give these? (tough to answer but just a guess). I will not get much at all for any of them! Please take as many credits as you see fit.
Much Thanks and happy Family weekend
Read Answer Asked by El-ann on February 21, 2024
Q: Sir. In the spirit of weeding the garden, I find myself well down in these stocks…with a time frame of 1 year , please comment on which to keep or toss how…. 5i had good things to say about many of these in the past, but we all know that times change quickly in this business…
Read Answer Asked by James on February 05, 2024
Q: In terms of growth and quality, what is your strongest long term recommendation for each of the following investment themes:

Artificial intelligence
Cloud computing
Digital payments
Online advertising
Infrastructure rebuild
Alternative/clean energy
Asian consumer spending
Medical needs of an aging population

My preference is for single stock ideas (US, Canadian or international) rather than ETFs, if possible.
Read Answer Asked by Brian on January 31, 2024
Q: Hello Peter,
I don’t have any investments in my portfolio in the emerging market, especially in China. Would you please recommend a few stocks and/or ETFs for 5 year or longer holds. If possible, please provide on each of your recommended investments an approximate price-entry point. In general, what percentage of my portfolio should be allocated for this market?

Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Roger on February 09, 2023
Q: Hi group I am out of credits...Hopefully you can give me some guidance on how to play China opening up from Covis restrictions. Commodities and oil seems to stand out if you agree what companies have the most potential upside. Also looks like big tech is another beneficiary if you agree what is your top picks in this sector as well. Thanks for your goodwill service it much appreciated
Read Answer Asked by Terence on January 18, 2023
Q: Over the past two years with the downturn of the market, I am down significantly with majority of these holdings in various accounts. I have a long-term 10+ year outlook, so looking to see if you feel any of these can be sold off given the outlook, management of the company? If so, what are your recommendations for a growth investor in either CAD/US stock options?

Read Answer Asked by Andrew on January 04, 2023
Q: Hello 5i
Recently you replied to a question regarding covered calls. You said you like high volatility companies for this strategy. In other places you said that you do not tend to write calls on core holdings. Just wondering what stocks you currently prefer for this strategy, that are not, or maybe, your core holdings
Read Answer Asked by joseph on August 23, 2022
Q: Hi Peter

I have question regarding the following list of “fallen angels”. These ten stocks have achieved significant drops in valuation since Dec. 31, 2020. Can you please rank these “fallen angels” in terms of the best risk-return profile over a five-to-ten-year hold? Everyone likes a bargain! Sometimes it is possible to survive a falling knife particularly if you use tungsten as a shield!

We cannot all be superman!


Thanks George
Read Answer Asked by George on March 14, 2022
Q: Given the increasing implied VOL in options, what are your favourite names in CAD and USD for covered call strategies?

Looking for stocks that you already like that have reasonably liquid options (I know harder in CAD) and you think have excellent bounce back potential and wouldn't mind owning for 2-3 years. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Angus on March 04, 2022
Q: Thanks 5I team for helping us make better decision every day. With a long term Horizon of 3 year plus what is your number 1 ETF recommendation for International exposure (Ex Canada and US). Looking for value and growth, not much concerned about income/distributions. In the same line the top recommendation of International stock. As per Portfolio analysis I am very low on International.
Read Answer Asked by Nimish on January 17, 2022
Q: Hi Team;
My question is whether to keep on holding baba or not . It is held in a US cash account so selling would incure a 53% loss as of today. The reason I ask today is that there have been many quality names that have sold off a lot . Just wondering if a switch into a different , more convincing beat down name might be a good move at this point. Ideally I would like as much recovery upside as baba potentially would have in order to try to recover my losses. Which essentially would mean a double from here.
Any names you would endorse switching to that might potentially meet this criteria ? Or do I keep patience and hold. I am a long term investor typically (10yr timeframe or more before retirement ). Thanks

Read Answer Asked by Shane on November 22, 2021
Q: Hi Peter,

Is this a good time to start buying Chinese companies? Can you give 4-5 names and why those? I am a long-term investor will be okay for some short-term risks.

Read Answer Asked by Matt on November 04, 2021
Q: Is there any China stocks you like
Thank you for your great service Lorraine
Read Answer Asked by Lorraine on August 31, 2021
Q: I know 5i doesn’t cover stocks outside of North America so please feel free to disregard my question if you can’t provide an answer. I currently have no direct exposure to Asia. Could you please rank Baba, JD and SE in a locked in RSP, 10+ horizon. I have space for one and since I’m happy with current valuations with the ongoing uncertainty, I would be ready to choose one. And could you please also comment on what would happen to the investment if it ever was delisted in terms of the access to the funds. Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Michael on July 28, 2021