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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi, We have some large capital gains crystallized this year, as a result of trimming of some overweight holdings and rebalancing of our Taxable account portfolio. The two securities, we have some losses in, are DRX and TVK. We are toying with a plan to sell those positions in full ( 2% and 1.75%, respectively) in order to book some losses to help us offset the large gains.

We also intend to buy back full or partial positions, after 30 days, as these are some of highly recommended companies by 5i.

Considering that both stocks are trading close to their recent lows, do you see any merit in this strategy ? Are there any catalysts, in the near term for these companies, which could be favourable to stocks but pose a risk to our buyback plan ?

Thank You
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on July 15, 2024
Q: I know this is outside 5i's wheelhouse, but I am going to cheekily ask it anyway. I am contemplating a 50% drawdown of my investments (to purchase a cottage) and want to determine the optimal way to do so. 50% of my investments are in a cash account, and roughly 50% split equally between TFSAs and RRSPs (all of which are maxed out). Almost all my high growth stocks are in my TFSA (NVDA, VRT, GOOG, MSFT, AMZN), with mostly slower growers and dividend stocks in the other accounts. Considering both tax consequences and the need to continue having a diversified portfolio, where would YOU take the money from?
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on July 10, 2024
Q: I hold CDRs for us companies within RRSP and TSFA and ACB is over $100000 do I have to fill in T1135 every year?
Read Answer Asked by denis on July 10, 2024
Q: My teenage daughters have some extra cash from grandparents and odd jobs. I currently maximized their RESPs but would like to see them invest the money in some stocks to have them learn first hand about investing. I realize you aren’t tax experts but wondering if you could point me to how best to do this. I understand I have to be account holder so for them to get the stocks I would have to sell them when they’re 18 and I pay capital gains or is there a way to transfer it to them and they pay capital gains tax? Any help on this would be appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Everett on July 05, 2024
Q: I have 3 questions in relation to my plans for realizing a capital loss re: a Starbucks (SBUX) holding within a corporate account. So far in 2024, I have realized net capital gains of ~$260,000 (100%) within this corporate account (I did this so as to capture the 50% inclusion rate effective before June 25, 2024). However, I now wish to partially offset this realized gain by realizing a capital loss for this position in Starbucks, currently at ~$90,000 (100%) unrealized capital loss.
(A) Would the 66.67% inclusion rate apply for this SBUX loss, if realized, even if all the previously realized capital gains during 2024 are applied at the 50% inclusion rate? (I realize you are not accountants, but I do know that you are generally aware of basic accounting principles related to commonly encountered investment scenarios.) It is my understanding that the 66.67% inclusion rate would apply, for this loss after June 25, but I am hoping you can corroborate this.
(B) My plan is to reacquire the Starbucks shares, after 30 days; however, I am not sure whether to just hold the SBUX sale proceeds in cash, for the minimum >30 day period, or whether to switch temporarily into a similar type of investment—what would you consider to be a reasonable “proxy” for SBUX? (note—I already own a similarly-sized position in QSR as my current SBUX position). Or given the possible slowing of consumer spending, and frequent summer stock trading doldrums, would you rather just hold cash for the >30-day waiting period?
(C) Finally, I am always nervous when the >30-day waiting period overlaps with a company earnings announcement (potential for greater price volatility). It appears that the next likely earnings announcement date for SBUX is expected to be around August 6, 2024. In other words, I could either realize the SBUX loss in the next few days (e.g., settlement on July 3 or July 5), or else wait until after the early August earnings announcement. I am curious how you would think about and approach this issue?

Read Answer Asked by Ted on July 03, 2024
Q: Do CDRs of US companies need be reported on T1135 if ACB is over $100K?

Thanks in advance.
Read Answer Asked by K on July 03, 2024
Q: Morning 5i Team,

I have s simple question regrading tax treatment of interest expenses.

Let's say I borrow money to purchase dividend paying stocks. How should I handle the interest so paid on such a loan? Do I simply write it off in the year the expenses are incurred or do I add the cumulated interest charges to the adjusted cost base of the stock when I sell.

Your help is much appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Harry on July 02, 2024
Q: What, if any, are the tax and dividend implications of having CDRs in a registered and a non- registered account?
Read Answer Asked by John on July 02, 2024
Q: Adding on to Julie’s currency questions and your response. I’ve come to understand when contributing US funds into a US TFSA the CRA requires it be recorded in CAD, which I understand means you need to take US funds and buy a US money market, place it in your CAD TSFA and then transfer to your US TSFA and finally sell. I was told not doing so will incur additional currency exchange costs.

Do I have that correct?

Thanks all.
Read Answer Asked by Don on July 02, 2024
Q: I recently sold my shares of bce that are in my non registered account at a loss with the intention of buying the shares back 30 days later. However I also recently purchased bce shares in my registered accounts. Can I still repurchase the bce shares in my trading account and claim a tax loss in the process. Thanks steve
Read Answer Asked by steven on June 25, 2024
Q: if I where to sell today stock from my corporate account would it be deemed for taxes sold today or settlement day the 25th?

Thanks !
Read Answer Asked by Denis on June 21, 2024
Q: I am looking for a short term safe investment for Canadian and US cash in a non-registered account. CBIL according Global X website holds 0-3 month Canadian government bonds, but when purchasing on Questrade, 0-3 mo U.S. T-bill pops up - is CBIL US or Canadian bonds? With UBIL.U in a non-registered account will there be US withholding tax on the estimated 5.25% yield? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Grant on June 20, 2024
Q: Hi, Can you claim a loss if stock goes to zero, that is; if a stock get delisted can you claim capital losses ?
Read Answer Asked by Fernando on June 19, 2024
Q: Good morning,

BEP,UN is classified as energy in portfolio analytics, should it not be under utilities?

Thanks for the unique service you provide followed your suggestion on NVDA after 2 splits my cost base is 3.80$ only problem is the taxman with clawback at 91 000 already reached and at 107 000 combined rates plus clawback in quebec is 65 % ????
I put all the money, work, risks for one third of profit!!
I see no way around this do you have any suggestion or resources to address this.
I won't ventilate to much as my language would not be proper.
Thank you !
Read Answer Asked by Denis on June 18, 2024
Q: Which Canadian companies will be most impacted by the new capital gains tax. Appreciate your insight.
Read Answer Asked by Nancy on June 14, 2024