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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Looking to add some large cap oil exposure, I’m having trouble deciding between the 3 large caps or just buying the XEG etf. Any insights on where you see value/potential at this point in time? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by James on July 04, 2024
Q: Good morning,

I currently own a number of different energy stocks of which most are in the OIL sector. In this current investment environment, the Gas sector seems to offer a better risk reward ratio and I would like to better balance my Oil/Gas stock split.

Question 1. Do you agree that Natural Gas stocks currently offer a better potential return than OIL stocks over the next few years?

Question 2. If so, which of the these OIL stocks would you replace with Natural Gas stocks?

Question 3. Which Natural Gas stocks are currently your best ideas?

Thank you for your sage advice.
Read Answer Asked by Francesco on June 13, 2024
Q: I currently own cnq and cve in the energy sector of my portfolio. I am wondering about adding tou or perhaps replacing cve with tou. I am keeping cnq for its size but looking for advice on the other two names for thr best bet in growth over the next 5 years and would appreciate your thoughts...thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on June 10, 2024
Q: Which 3 Canada Energy stocks (besides SU and ENB) do you currently favour for a 5-10+ year hold?

Please feel free to suggest a company not present in the stock list.
Read Answer Asked by David on May 01, 2024
Q: What is the estimate for this quarter on enbridge? Your thoughts on the next 1 to 2 years for cve? cheers
Further to my question on enb re quarterly earnings on the 9th. The stock is down the last week and traded over 15 million shares today. Would this possibly be an indication of a not so good earnings? cheers
Read Answer Asked by kenneth on February 08, 2024
Q: Now that Trans Mountain will soon be in service, are there specific oil producers or energy companies that 5i think may benefit the most to the bottom line and share price.

Best regards,

Read Answer Asked by Thomas on February 01, 2024
Q: I own these energy stocks and some are on the plus side and others are on the losing side. I've been waiting for quite some time for the Chinese economy to take off, but it seems to go nowhere ? I would like to trim some of my holdings. Please place them in order of what you would keep down to some you would let go. Maybe you could code them as 10 being the best and 1 as being the worst. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Frank on January 30, 2024
Q: Would appreciate your top heavy oil producers in Canada and rank the best buy for long term hold. I have listed a few above . Thank you
Read Answer Asked by kenneth on January 30, 2024
Q: Good afternoon,

The Globe and Mail reported that the Trans Mountain pipeline is scheduled to start in Feb 25.

Although the news of the opening is already baked into the market, are there any undervalued energy stocks that you could recommend as a good addition to the energy sector of a well diversified portfolio that may well benefit from the opening of the Trans Mountain pipeline in the next few years?

Tank you and I'll await your recommendations.
Read Answer Asked by Francesco on January 30, 2024
Q: I'm down a fair amount in registered plans after holding each of the 13 listed stocks for some time. Please rate in terms those that are worth keeping as the prospects are good vs those where it's probably time to cut losses and move on. Timeframe of 5 years before starting to draw down from portfolio.
Read Answer Asked by Chris on December 14, 2023
Q: As a source of dividends, many Canadian “hydrocarbon energy” companies have a long and positive track record. Today, non-hydrocarbon energy sources have become more economically attractive, are growing quickly through significant investment, are becoming easier to support politically, and continue to improve through ongoing R&D. Against this backdrop of an accelerating shift to lower carbon energy sources…

Which Canadian “hydrocarbon energy” companies do you think are best suited to adjust to this change?
Read Answer Asked by Robert on December 11, 2023
Q: What is your opinion on the prospects of Cenovus(CVE) and Ovintiv(OVV) over the next 5 and 10 years ? What are your thoughts on selling them (old stocks that could be sold for a tax loss) and replacing them, as a long-term hold, with some Brookfield stock (BN, BEP and/or BIP)? If you favor that, which Brookfield company would you recommend be given the greatest weight ? Or is it better to hold onto those oil and gas stocks for a while?
Read Answer Asked by Camille on December 01, 2023