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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi there,

Can you comment on the strength of small and mid caps going forward and give me 1 US and 1 Cdn etf to look at?

Ok thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Robert on July 26, 2024
Q: Does this selloff in tech concern you at all to take down the broader market? Seeing big down moves lately in tech, such as SHOP, GOOGL, NVDA, SMCI, VRT, etc... Tech is my largest weighting for sector, should we be repositioning at all or how would you approach this to maintain profits. I've had a very good run, but hate take the stairs up and then seeing the elevator go down fast. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Keith on July 25, 2024
Q: I am concerned that over the next few years, the US dollar will gradually lose its reserve currency status. Currently, the US dollar is high relative to other Western currencies. Can you please suggest a way that I can track the value of the US dollar relative to not only Western currencies, but to those of the BRICs, emerging markets, etc.. My view is that once the US dollar starts to weaken, then the value of gold, commodities, and emerging markets will increase. Do you agree with this hypothesis?

Thank you for your excellent advice and service.
Read Answer Asked by Dale on July 19, 2024
Q: With high expectations for technology companies and a high likelihood of political turmoil in the fall, combined with traditional tax loss selling season, when would you tendto thinkis the best time to buy, if one has been holding cash to deploy?
A big question but I know you have lots of experience
Read Answer Asked by joseph on July 19, 2024
Q: The switch to small-mid caps predicted by the 5i team is evident in the past few days. Seems to be in part at the expense of large caps that have been very successful in the past year (largely tech names). Many of us have a diversified portfolio that includes small through large cap holdings. However, is there sufficient uninvested money on the sidelines to support a broad range of gains or do we need to adjust our portfolios, away from AI names, for example, to profit from the rotation? The AI story seems to be in early stages but the market may not be adequately supported or rational in the short term. Do nothing and stay the course or react and trade with the trend?
Read Answer Asked by John on July 18, 2024
Q: Morning 5i Team,

May I please have your comments on the apparent rotation out of tech stocks over the last few days? Do you see that as a fleeting thing or see that as sustaining?

Read Answer Asked by Harry on July 18, 2024
Q: What are your thoughts regarding lingering inflation and the market?

There seems to be heightened conversations around a recession. Is it best to continue to pick away at stocks even though we are close to all time market highs?
Read Answer Asked by Kyle on July 12, 2024
Q: Hi Group can you please give me your top 3 picks for TSFA ( I am 74 years old but do nor require a dividend unless it fits with your recommendations ( i also have room for $50,000 Cad)

also what your top picks c/w short reason for the picks. for the leading 6 sectors as of today. regardless of US or CAD Thanks for your help it much appreciated
Read Answer Asked by Terence on July 11, 2024
Q: Is there meret in the theory that metals do best at the end of a bull market. Does history show this. I'm thinking a recession is on the horizon based on the double digit returns I've been seeing in metals and should start taking profits.
Read Answer Asked by Tim on July 10, 2024
Q: hi, what is 5i's current views on when, how many, and how much interest rate cut(s) the Bank of Canada will do for the remainder of 2024. further, is there a "metric" on how much "torque" each percentage point may have on the big beaten down blue chips in Canada ( eg Telus, BCE, Banks, Utilities, REITS...)
cheers and thanks, Chris
Read Answer Asked by chris on July 09, 2024
Q: If Trump is re-elected as president of the USA. he could seek to devalue the U.S. dollar, making Canadian exports to the U.S. less cost competitive. How would this be done??? Also would this put in jeopardy the USA dollar being the reserve currency and perhaps the currency of another country taking over, like Germany, Japan or South Korea??? Anxious to hear you thoughts....Thanks....Tom
Read Answer Asked by Tom on July 08, 2024
Q: Everyone, the first six months of 2024 are behind us, what did you learn and what is expected in the second half of this year?
Read Answer Asked by Clayton on July 04, 2024
Q: I've made the mistake in the past of selling a full position too early or holding too long. Now I'm trimming positions / rebalancing when appropriate. With some gains I want to make sure I'm diversified, is it a bad idea to throw gains into an S&P500 index or something to ensure gains over the long term. I'm 32 so many more years in the market.
Read Answer Asked by Ashleigh on July 02, 2024
Q: Hi,
Brian asked about private equity on June 25. In your response you mention that private equity is not correlated to other assets. I am looking at the 10 year performance of PSP vs. SPY and their charts move up and down in almost perfect parallel (pre-COVID run ups, COVID crashes, post-COVID run ups, etc.), with PSP returning 93% and SPY 234%. On a 4-5 year time scale, PSP/SPY/NGPE move up and down in parallel as well. I am struggling to find a reason to invest in a private equity ETF based on this. Is it because an ETF, regardless of what it is investing in, is in fact correlated since it is traded like any other equity?
Thank you for all the great information your provide, Michael
Read Answer Asked by Michael on June 26, 2024
Q: Thank you for your excellent answer to a very pertinent question by Brian this morning (25-06-2024) on Private equity.

You didn't include your all time favorite company BN :) How come? Also, sometime ago when I asked about non correlated assets, you had mentioned about the US companies like KKR,BX,BLK etc., They didn't get a mention in your answer to Brian either.

In your answer to Brian you had suggested ETFs both in the US and one in Canada. Do you have any particular preference?

Last but not the least, from your answers to various questions, I get the impression that you are not too concerned about the impending crash! You still seem optimistic. In that case increasing the allotment to Private equity is bit premature, no?

Take as many credits as it is warranted.

Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Savalai on June 25, 2024
Q: Hello 5i, Could you explain the recent amendments to Bill C-59 and how it will effect oil companies.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on June 24, 2024
Q: In a non-registered US account, I wish to purchase anything Now that .. 1. Pays no dividends or interest. 2. Keeps up with real inflation ( US inflation is greatly understated ) 3. Would survive a 50 market crash largely unscathed. Already have 10% precious metals …… thanks - JP
Read Answer Asked by James on June 24, 2024
Q: Are we Canadians fools? Rhetorical don’t answer that. My question is should we do what you do and not what you say. By that I mean should we invest 100% in the US market and forget about the Canadian stocks. It seems that we are 2%/year or so behind the US on a long term basis. We would easily make up the FX costs within one year. Currently you suggest 30% or so Cdn and I am not that low yet, but I do wonder if that target is too high.

A diehard Canadian who may also be a fool.
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on June 21, 2024
Q: this is a question about financial / portfolio advice in estate planning.
Assuming I were pass on, my 3 children all in their 20's , all still in university, they would stand to inherit a million each. What investment advice would you recommend for management of their inheritance. ( I know the Buffet advice, predominantly ETFs.)

I would be curious to survey 5istaff with children and 5istaff closer to their 20's for different view points.

Read Answer Asked by Ernest on June 20, 2024