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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Recently I have found the TBIL and ZMMK ETFs to be a safe place to keep my cash and earn a half decent return.
However, the upcoming US elections, the upheaval in the Middle East, Ukraine, and the ongoing threat to global oil prices, is increasing the possibility of a sudden spike in interest rates, and a complete reversal of the current narrative of lower rates.
How would TBIL and ZMMK be affectted by such a turn of events (i.e. a spike in interest rates) and more generally, what investment asset classes would you recommend that would best mitigate such risks.
Thank You
Read Answer Asked by John on October 24, 2024
Q: Hello 5i,

Could you recommend 3 ETFS that you would consider for a 70 years old retiree. My portfolio is currently 95% in Equities both in Dividend ETFS (VDY, ZEB, XEI and XDIV and individual shares (ENB, RY, TELUS, and BMO.)

Thank You,
Read Answer Asked by Yves on October 23, 2024
Q: Would you consider Guardian Ult-Shrt US TB USD ETF (US $ denom) to be one of the safest ways to hold USD? Last monthly interest payment was 5% annualized which is quite favourable … seems others may not offer higher rates.

Initially the plan was at sub 4.5% level to put this cash elsewhere but with declining US Bond prices I am now wondering how quickly rates may move lower and am wondering if we may experience a diverging interest rate environment between Cda n US rates. What’s the likelihood we could see such divergence n is there a point where the effect of a weakening Canadian dlr would limit further divergence (we are weak at 72.5 exch now but recall a lo of 68 many years ago).

Read Answer Asked by Craig on October 23, 2024
Q: I’m considering whether I should invest in TLT, HPYT, or a combination of both. I understand that HPYT has a much higher yield, but I’m struggling to fully understand why. TLT, which makes up around 70% of HPYT’s holdings, only has a yield of about 4.3%, which makes me wonder how HPYT can achieve such a significantly higher yield. I understand the basics of covered call ETFs, but what kind of options are they trading to generate this yield? There seems to be something I’m missing here—could you also explain the additional risks that come with HPYT's elevated yield?
Read Answer Asked by Patrick on October 22, 2024
Q: In your answer to "A" today regarding a GIC, I was surprised to find 5i telling subscribers that banks use the funds from GICs to fund the mortgages and loans that they originate.
Read Answer Asked by michael on October 21, 2024
Q: Lots of good Q&A lately on parking short term cash.

I have $100K to invest. Are one of these more suitable than the others for quickly withdrawing an amount as required when I want to purchase stocks or equity ETF's?

Would you feel comfortable putting the whole amount in any one of these, or is it best to diversify a bit?

Do you have a recommended USD version(s) for my USD account ?
Read Answer Asked by James on October 18, 2024
Q: I know you prefer to purchase US stocks in US currency. Does this apply to US Bond ETFs as well? Further, I'm trying to determine the percentage of corporate and government bonds to purchase (15%). Is the risk/reward associated with each type of bond ETF very different? I'm assuming that corporate bonds are riskier than government. Any insight or resources that could give me guidance would be appreciated. I appreciate any help you can provide.
Read Answer Asked by bernie on October 17, 2024
Q: Good morning, I have $200,000.00 in a taxable account and am looking for a temporary safe place to invest it in for a period of 6 to 8 months, hoping to generate some yield.
Do you have any suggestions?
Kindly advise & Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Sergio on October 16, 2024
Q: Hi,
I'm looking to park some Cdn funds in a high interest savings ETF, and use TD as my bank. I found HISA, but don't know anything about the .NE exchange - if you could enlighten me on that - and let me know if there are better products that this, I would appreciate it!
Thanks for all your consistently great advice!
Read Answer Asked by Dawn on October 15, 2024
Q: I have $800,000.00 from the sale of a house, and am looking for a safe place to park it. There is a possibility of further interest rate cuts, so would a long term bond ETF be a good place?
Read Answer Asked by James on October 11, 2024
Q: Looking to invest additional US dollars into a high interest ETF. Currently invested in UCSH.U, but are there others ones I should be considering as better options.
Read Answer Asked by RALPH on October 10, 2024
Q: Hi, I am wondering what percentage split one should have between long term bonds and short term t-bills on the cash side of their portfolio. I realize that it is somewhat an individual choice, but can you give me a ballpark kind of split. My investments are presently 70% equities, and 30% cash equivalents. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Greg on October 07, 2024