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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Please comment on this small company GMM which is showing phenomenal results in the latest 6 month results. The company made 36 cents in 1H but the stock is stuck at 90 cents. Please provide your view. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Imtiaz on July 24, 2024
Q: I have noticed that the real estate ETFs have been languishing over the last 10 years. What is your view of the real estate ETFs over the next 5 years? Under what conditions will these ETFs do well? What type of real estate ETFs do you expect to do well (domestic vs international, commercial vs residentical, etc.)?

Please recommend a North American and an international ETF which you feel could do well over the next 5 years. What percent of a portfolio would you recommend include real estate for diversification purposes?

Thank you for this excellent service.
Read Answer Asked by Dale on July 19, 2024
Q: With ongoing growth in the Indian economy, do you recommend investing in an etf or other vehicle there? Our access looks to be limited to a handful of large caps.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on July 15, 2024
Q: Hello 5i Team
Do you think that investing in Inda and Japan ETF is beneficial for diversification and growth. Are there any ETF that you can recommend?
Read Answer Asked by claudio on July 10, 2024
Q: Peter,

Very interesting article in the recent moneysaver about stock market history. What do you see as the chief reasons the Japanese stock market was down for so long a period of time.


Read Answer Asked by paul on July 04, 2024
Q: Using the Portfolio Analytics, I see I need to increase my international exposure. What strong performing stock and ETFs do you suggest? In Canadian dollars, and US dollars.

Also I'd like to know if CSU, LMN and TOI are Canadian.


Read Answer Asked by Brenda on July 03, 2024
Q: Hi Everyone at 5i!

With all the political complications in France right now, do you foresee any problems with TTE? It is a France based oiled gas company. I feel that the stocks in France may get a bit of a drubbing depending on the election results. I have a nice profit right now. Your thoughts??Hold?? Sell??

Read Answer Asked by Tamara on July 02, 2024
Q: Hello wonderful 5i folks,

This is a follow up to a question asked by Connie on June 14th where your recommendation for an optimal distribution would be: 50% US, 35% Canada, 15% rest of world.

Can you please provide your best recommendations for the 15% rest of world with commentary around the suggestions?

Thank you as always!
Read Answer Asked by Julie on June 25, 2024
Q: What do you think of this company and its prospect going fwd long term? While do own lots of tech, I wonder if this might be a good addition?
Read Answer Asked by Graeme on June 22, 2024
Q: Hello 5i. CAMT
Could I have your assessment of Camtek Ltd?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Dave on June 19, 2024
Q: Would you recommend to buy, hold, or sell GSK?

I ask on behalf of a relative I help with investing. GSK is currently 1.3% of their portfolio. I had already been thinking of recommending that they sell when the news on June 3 came out:

"Shares of GSK dropped more than 9% on Monday, after a Delaware judge allowed more than 70,000 lawsuits alleging its discontinued heartburn drug Zantac caused cancer, to go forward, in a blow for the British drugmaker."

They are at a 15% loss with their GSK holding (less if you consider dividends), but luckily it is a small part of the portfolio.

I am leaning toward a 'sell recommendation' but am open to counter arguments.

Thanks so much!
Read Answer Asked by Robert on June 18, 2024