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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello wonderful 5i folks,

This is a follow up to a question asked by Connie on June 14th where your recommendation for an optimal distribution would be: 50% US, 35% Canada, 15% rest of world.

Can you please provide your best recommendations for the 15% rest of world with commentary around the suggestions?

Thank you as always!
Read Answer Asked by Julie on June 25, 2024
Q: Need to increase U.S. and Internation equity exposures in my RRSP. Current exposures are mainly from VBAL (25% weight of RRSP) and a small position in XLU, ZWU and XGD. I am considering adding SPY for U.S. equities. What do you think about this option, and what would be a good entry point? Also, what would be a good addition to increase international equity (ETF or stocks)? Knowing that you cannot provide personal answers I appreciate very much your comments. Much Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Hali on May 24, 2024
Q: Hi. I’m looking for a Canadian-listed ex-North America equity ETF for a TFSA. And am familiar with the options you usually refer to, such as VIU. My question is whether there are more “actively” managed ETF’s (focused on developed markets) which you would consider. Such as QIE.

A separate related question. Are there U.S.-listed alternatives you would consider, in spite of the withholding tax. And is the withholding tax less of a deterrent than we make it to be.

Read Answer Asked by James on May 16, 2024
Q: Hoping you could suggest an ETF portfolio for an RRSP account with a minimum 12 years until withdrawals are made. The account is starting from scratch.
Read Answer Asked by Curtis on May 10, 2024
Q: My kids opened RRSP's as soon as they were of age and contributed a small about (<$3,000). They make regular contributions.

Until the RRSP has enough funds to start thinking of diversification, what are the "top 3" possible stocks or ETFs you would consider if only having one investment, and if you could explain why its' a sound investment for each that'd be great.

Thanks very much,

Read Answer Asked by Dave on May 06, 2024
Q: Dear 5i
I need to increase my international exposure substantially . What 1-2 ETF's would be your top choices for this . What would your choice be for a basic material ETF ?
Bill C
Read Answer Asked by Bill on May 02, 2024
Q: Can you suggest 10 best (sleep at night) low risk, monthly/quarterly income, tax efficient, Canadian etfs. Monthly preferred but not essential. Held in non registered account.
Read Answer Asked by Craig on April 29, 2024
Q: Hi, l have some cash to deploy in my cash account. I have a full position in ZCN. Thinking of buying full position in BRK and also VEQT full position.
My question is for a conservative investor 65%safer, 35% conservative growth.Would this be too much overlap of similar positions and sectors? Do you have an alternative? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Brad on April 29, 2024
Q: This question or type of question was asked in the last week, but I can't find it. Sorry. My 2 kids each have about $100,000. I manage their money, but would prefer to just manage it through ETF's. Can you please suggest a portfolio of ETF's for reasonable growth (60-70% equities), but balanced with some bonds as well. If you want to cut and paste your answer to the question from a week ago, that would be great. Thanks a lot.
Read Answer Asked by Steve on April 09, 2024
Q: Hello fellow 5i community,

New ETF investor question here. I have no experience with ETF's and therefore have none in my investment portfolio. Based on all the Q&A's and my own research, this is an area I need to get into. Can you please recommend your top picks (open to all suggestions both geo and industry - please rank) and how many ETF's would you recommend if also investing in individual stocks? (including % of a portfolio). Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Julie on April 08, 2024
Q: I'm new here and am looking to increase my international exposure. Can you recommend a few international ETFs that don't have US exposure and some that include it as part of their holdings? Should I look to these ETFs to include exposure to both established and emerging markets or strictly more developed countries? I'm looking at investing between 30% of my portfolio as I already own QQQ which represents approximately 12% of my holdings now). Thank you in advance, Elaine.
Read Answer Asked by elaine on April 04, 2024
Q: Hi Everyone,

I am very interested in FINALLY purchasing an actively managed Global/International ETF or Mutual Fund. I have had zero such exposure in my portfolio for many years and am also currently sitting with USD in my accounts.
I have been following Mr. Hodson for many years and even though based on my personal metrics/age I still cannot contain my high risk individual stock picking tendencies.
My Investment Advisor has loaded up for decades on 'SGA Global Equity Growth Fund' and some Lazard Freres managed fund but I am not tempted to do so.

I would greatly appreciate some of your favourite recommendations in this space.

Thank you,


Read Answer Asked by Dean on March 26, 2024
Q: I am helping my in-laws take ownership of their investments. Presently, they have the majority of their funds managed by banks/'financial advisors' in high fee mutual funds. What is your opinion of the following funds and can you offer equivalent low-cost ETF solutions? RBF209, RBF269, RBF272, Invesco Global Select Equity Series P
Read Answer Asked by Matthew on March 22, 2024
Q: Hi, I'm thinking of gradually reducing my individual stocks and moving into etfs for an all around set it and forget it roughly $3 million portfolio for someone retiring in the next few months. Can you give me your suggested etfs and percentages to hold to accomplish this balance? A chunk of these funds are not invested yet so I'd also like to know how you would suggest deploying these funds? Would you edge in gradually over a period of time or just get the money working? I'd really appreciate any advice you could give me in this format.
Thank you as always!
Read Answer Asked by Harry on March 14, 2024
Q: Want to simplify my RIF investing as I am almost 80. Can you recommend several etfs that provide an easier and more comprehensive approach; I have a number of dividend holdings but I would like to broaden my exposure to international markets. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by don on March 07, 2024