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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I hold the listed stocks that are at or very close to their 52wk highs. As a momentum play, would you please rank the order in which you would add to the positions. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Richard on July 16, 2024
Q: What do you think of the waste companies in Canada or US as industrial candidates?
Read Answer Asked by Peter on January 24, 2024
Q: Hello,
My holding of Waste Connections has increased substantially in value. The stock price is slipping and there seem to be a number of concerns with debt and return on capital. Your detailed comments would be appreciated.

Are there some industrials with better future prospects? What industrials could WCN be replaced with and why would they be any better?

Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by V on November 20, 2023
Q: Peter; Any guessestimate as to the value of the company compared to its peers ? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Rodney on November 18, 2023
Q: Would appreciate your comments on the 3rd quarter 2023 financial results for WCN, Waste Connection Inc. The drop in the stock value would seem to indicate
that the market was disappointed. Is it still worth holding or has the outlook changed?
Thank you for your information.
Read Answer Asked by Ernest on October 27, 2023
Q: Apar from CSU and related companies, are there other vertical software comp[anies in large addressable markets in sectors such as healthcare, media and industrials that you find arttractive? At what prices would you recommend initiating a position and why do you find them attractive.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by sam on September 12, 2023
Q: Looking for stocks based on the same business model as CSU AME and TDG - collection of entrepreneurial businesses in same sector growing organically and by acquisition, leaving managers and ulture intact [provide corporate support] with siognificant market share and pricing power. I think that describes these 3 companies. Please identify others and rank all with initial buy prices.
Read Answer Asked by sam on August 29, 2023
Q: I would like to build a position in the industrial services sub-sector. Could you identify your favs [CAD/US] for 3-5 year hold [I have named a few, but look to you for those in which you have the most conviction] and rank according to (a) safety in a recession and (b) compounders for long-term growth. What makes them stand out?
Thank you..
Read Answer Asked by sam on August 22, 2023
Q: WCN halted share buybacks, matched estimates on the quarter, 0.7% dividend and looking pricey at 33x. I've held it a long time and up nicely 60% in registered account . Would it be prudent to swap it out for GDI for better growth?
Read Answer Asked by Steven on August 09, 2023
Q: I have some US cash I'm looking to invest in a company that I feel would fair ok in a recession. What are your thoughts on Waste Management and Dollar General? Are there competitor's in their respective sector's you would prefer?
Read Answer Asked by Chris on May 02, 2023
Q: Hi,

Which do you prefer for growth over the next 5 plus years or are there more / better opportunities in the field?

Read Answer Asked by Gary on April 21, 2023
Q: Based on my 2 cents I feel like WCN is expensive between the 2. Can you provide your thoughts on valuation, debt and cash flow or any other more relevant metrics to compare these 2 ?
Pick one or suggest something similar in garbage space ?
Thank you for your service.
Read Answer Asked by Jabs on February 16, 2023