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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Morning 5i team,
Thanks for all your great advice to help grow our portfolios.
I own some URI and looks like it’s stalled and looking to sell that and buy one of the following, COST, TT, WMT, CAT or HD.
What are your thoughts on that move or would you put it somewhere else?
Read Answer Asked by Joe on July 08, 2024
Q: It seems to me that one one of the major themes going forward that we as investors must pay attention to is on-shoring or the re-industrialization of the United States and the western world. Please share with me some of the global and Canadian companies that should benefit if this trend continues. I'm interested in both individual companies and ETFs.
Read Answer Asked by Les on July 04, 2024
Q: Looking to strictly optimize growth over next 3-5 years. Please rank potential of these favourites from current valuations: TIH, URI, ULTA, BKNG, UBER, ESTC, ASPN, FLUT, CROX, TRI, TFII

Read Answer Asked by John on July 03, 2024
Q: In any otherwise well diversified RIF portfolio I am considering exiting T and BEP.

I am looking to replace them with a couple of holdings that you feel have far greater upside in the next 3-5 years (realizing that the volatility may increase to some extent but in line with the potential for greater returns).

I have referred to several of your current favourites (which we do not currently hold) as potentials and am open to other suggestions you might have along the same lines.

If you could comment on the elimination of T and BEP and also if you believe any of the listed ones (or others ) would provide a substantially better risk/rewad profile over the next 3-5 years it would be appreciated.


Read Answer Asked by Terry on April 25, 2024
Q: I like ATS but am down a bit over the past couple of years. PA suggests I boost my US positions. Im not optimistic about Canada's medium term growth prospects when compared to the US so this might be a good time to make some portfolio adjustments. I'm considering selling ATS and buying a US industrial, perhaps URI. Your thoughts, please. In the same vein, I am looking at Canada's telecom sector and I'm down in both BCE and T. Of course, both pay hopefully sustainable dividends. The US telco sector doesn't look much better. I'm considering bailing on the telcos and adding QCOM as a quasi-surrogate. I know it's rated as tech but telco's are all giving me headaches. Your thoughts please. Al
Read Answer Asked by alex on March 20, 2024
Q: Hi, have some American money, need a few suggestions of companies which are relatively safe, potentially with a dividend, but upward trajectory in near future
Read Answer Asked by Deborah on March 19, 2024
Q: Time to do some spring cleaning. Can you please rank the above industrials to purchase/hold? Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Neil on March 18, 2024
Q: Hello 5i,

On Feb 28th 5i provided answers to Jacques and David on the top 10 US and CAD stocks to own in a TFSA. Thank you for that answer.

Can you please provide the top 12 stocks overall (CAD or US) in order of priority that should be in a TFSA? We have both US and CDN funds + CDR's. Diversity is not important at this time and we are anticipating that US stocks will outnumber CAD stocks in the top 12. Funds are not required for 6 years or more.

If this was your TFSA, would you have equal weighting or will one or more of the stocks have a higher weighting compared to other stocks? If yes, can you identify the stock(s) and the % of weighting? We can equal weight the remaining stocks.

Thank you


Read Answer Asked by Jerry on March 12, 2024
Q: Would you also provide me with 5 Industrials and tech in the USA that are not over-valued.

Read Answer Asked by Donna on March 06, 2024
Q: I’m trying to pick three companies from the list above to purchase as part of a balanced fund for the long term.
Which three would you recommend? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Ben on March 04, 2024
Q: How would you rank the named companies for inclusion in a balanced portfolio today? Would the rankings shift for a growth portfolio?
Read Answer Asked by Andrew on February 26, 2024
Q: Are there alternatives to MITK and BKNG that you feel would be better to have in a portfolio today?
Read Answer Asked by Andrew on February 26, 2024
Q: I hold ROP HEI WSP ATS TFII AXON VRT in the industrial sector. 5i has also recommended TT TDG RTX and URI. I would like to sort out which could be sold [in whole or in part] and which could be added to. For a long-term hold, which could go and which would you advise to be the core for this sector.
Read Answer Asked by sam on February 02, 2024
Q: Hi team,

Which Canadian and U.S. stocks do you see as presently having positive momentum leading to strong growth in a near future ?

Have a good day,

Jacques IDS
Read Answer Asked by Jacques on December 08, 2023
Q: Hi 5i,
In an otherwise balanced portfolio, I'm looking for some ideas for my TFSA.
Current holdings are KXS, LULU, HPS AND ATS.

I'm open to adding to the above names but was wondering if you
could you please recommend 10 Canadian and 10 US stocks that you feel would work well in a TFSA at this time in the market.

Read Answer Asked by Brian on November 30, 2023
Q: Industrials 12% target allocation - what allocation do you advise? I have Full positions in WSP VRT and Partial Positions in ATS TFII HEI and AXON. Based on your advice, I would also like to have positions in URI HON TRI TIH HPS.A. Need to sort out what to own as Full and partial positions. Please rank for full and partial positions with entry prices for those not owned and what to drop from this list. I have a bias for serial acquierers along the lines of CSU.
Read Answer Asked by sam on November 27, 2023
Q: My daughter is looking to start an investment portfolio. What would be your top 5 Canadian and top 5 US Picks in the current market for a long term hold? Please include one ETF for Canada and US in your picks.

Read Answer Asked by Timothy on November 22, 2023