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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: As we close in on the US election what would be your short term (up to 1 year) picks be in the US market? For a republican victory energy sector might be interesting or possibly crypto. If crypto how would you play it?
On the other hand if Democrats win what would you choose?
As a long term member, can't thank you enough for what you do.
Read Answer Asked by Gerald on October 22, 2024
Q: Hello 5i

I have held ULTA and SMCI (full positions) for about a year and am reconsidering them due to changes in forecast etc.
Could you suggest 5 alternate names in the US that project growth in the next 2-3 years?
They do not need to be sector specific just strong growth and good fundamentals.

Thank you tremendously for all you do!
Read Answer Asked by Josh on October 21, 2024
Q: After signing up to the Portfolio Tracking & Analysis, ( excellent service, Thanks!)
I need to increase my holdings in the Health care sector and Consumer Defensive industry
US and Can exposure.
Your suggestions are appreciated.
Thank You 5i Team
Read Answer Asked by Adelheid on October 18, 2024
Q: Comparing NVO with LLY.
Are these companies similar? Morningstar describes NVO as Biotechnology and LLY as a Drug Manufacturer but they both have versions of the popular weight loss drugs that has caused their stock price to appreciate? Can you also help explain why NVO in the last +4 month is significantly lower than LLY?
Read Answer Asked by Ian on October 10, 2024
Q: Please rank the following stocks to purchase today at current values. Or should I wait for a pullback in market?
Read Answer Asked by Ben on October 10, 2024
Q: What are your top 10 Canadian and top 10 US stocks for a long term hold?
Read Answer Asked by Ben on October 10, 2024
Q: I am currently doing my quarterly rebalancing of my portfolio. I need to up my US equity holdings. My current US holdings are AAPL, BRK.B,XOM, JPM, MSFT, MCD, V. What are your favorite long term US holdings right now ?
Read Answer Asked by Mark on October 07, 2024
Q: Of the currently available CDR’s what would be your top 5 picks, ranked one through five, from a total return standpoint for a long-term hold (10-15 years)? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Bruce on September 30, 2024
Q: I own shares in these health care products. I'm down on some of them and OK on others. Please list your order of preference. Best first. Would you sell any of them ?
List any others you would recommend in this field . Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Frank on September 30, 2024
Q: My portfolio analytics says to increase health care holdings. For a 3-5 year hold what are your top 3 companies or etfs to have. Not too risky but with growth in mind.
thxs Michele
Read Answer Asked by michele on September 30, 2024
Q: Hi Team,
What entry price would be good to initiate a position in TMDX?
Knowing you don't give personal advice how high of a weight would YOU be comfortable holding it?
My other healthcare holdings are LLY and ISRG. How would you rate all three in terms of projected growth and risk level?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Marco on September 26, 2024
Q: Please rank the top 10 stocks from list above above for a long term hold. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Ben on September 22, 2024
Q: Hi looking for US company suggestions. Growth focussed. 5-10 years

I currently hold GOOG, NVDA, ISRG, LLY, AMZN, CROX.

I have room for 2 full positions and 1 half.
I’d appreciate your top 5 stocks in order based on my current holdings. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Nick on September 18, 2024
Q: Hi group what's you top pick in each of the 6 main sectors regardless of US.Canada also what's a good entry point after the latest market turbulence / most potential for recovery and value appreciation with low to moderate risk. going fwd ...Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Terence on September 12, 2024
Q: In a recent Market Update (Aug 22) you spoke of the power of compounding and the key characteristics of a high compounding stock such as higher volatility, strong sales growth, lower dividends, premium valuations, etc. As a follow up to this topic could you please provide the 5 best US companies (or more if you wish) which you consider to fit these characteristics for long term compounding. Many thanks. Cal
Read Answer Asked by Calvin on September 11, 2024
Q: Is there a US equivalent of CSU that you would recommend as I take profits from growthier AI stocks? Happy to split it between a few stocks, but the big 7 have grown as a large part of my US portfolio.
Read Answer Asked by Dave on September 03, 2024