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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Were I to invest in a Growth/Income pairing of healthcare stocks, would you recommend XLV/THQ or XLV/LIFE? I am currently very happy with my XLV/LIFE combination but would appreciate your input re: the use of THQ...
Best regards,
Read Answer Asked by David on July 19, 2024
Q: What would be your top thee picks for US Market ETFs today and why? (10+ year hold)

Read Answer Asked by Kyle on July 17, 2024
Q: Good morning;

I own the 4 stocks referenced at a 4.5% weight in my portfolio. ILMN was purchased as a turnaround candidate so I wish to keep it. XLV to hedge. UNH I have my initial investment out; it has bounced around quite a bit lately with no clear path but a target +/$75 above current price. May 1st you commented CVS is not one you would add to and it could be a value trap. I've owned it since prior to COVID and missed my opportunity to sell it off.

I want to stay exposed and grow my exposure a bit to the US (and maybe Canadian) health care sector. Other than a very occasional flare of positive results this sector has not been very beneficial to my portfolio other than a bit of modest income. I could part with (in order) CVS, UNH, XLV to build better growth exposure. I would appreciate your top 5 recommended options along with why you would put them on the list.

Thanks very much.

Read Answer Asked by Dave on May 09, 2024
Q: Can you account for the recent drop in TMO and possibly also for its quick recovery.

Portfolio analytics call for more in my healthcare sector. Do you prefer ETFs or individual companies here?

Please recommend a few of your favourite quality long-term holds for both (more American than Canadian, but both if possible).

Thanks as always.
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on May 06, 2024
Q: Hi Peter, Ryan, and Team,

We hold IHI in our non-registered investment account, and I recently looked at US News ( which stated:

“The main issue holding weight-loss drugs back is their exorbitant price tag, with Ozempic clocking in at $980 per month and Wegovy at up to $1,300 per month. If weight-loss prices fall or if insurers and employers start covering their costs for consumers, that could negatively impact medical device-oriented funds like IHI.”

Do you concur with this view? I note that XLV has surpassed IHI in four out of seven periods from one month to ten years. Alternatively, since Portfolio Analytics indicates that we need to increase Healthcare exposure, would starting a new position in XLV at this time be prudent?

Thanks in advance for your advice.

Read Answer Asked by Jerry on May 06, 2024
Q: Please recommend a few health care investments.
Read Answer Asked by Susan on April 19, 2024
Q: Hi Group can you make me a list of 10 best (sleep at night)ETFs (one for each sector) c/w 5 year dividend % . I want to buy them and forget about trading or sell foe the next 10 yrs. Can be US or Cad ...Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Terence on March 27, 2024
Q: Which sector will perform the best in 2024 ? Based on this answer , which fund should be purchased among the ones mentioned (or a fund representing another sector not mentioned in my question) ?
Read Answer Asked by georges on January 19, 2024
Q: I have been holding this for 2 years and it has not done much and is still down 20% even with the recent upswing in the market. Can I have your opinion on this stock and on healthcare in general (minus Canada)? if I decide to sell for a loss, what do you think about replacing it with a healthcare etf such as XLV- would XLV have the same upside potential as SNN? if not, can you recommend a replacement?
Read Answer Asked by Mary on December 20, 2023
Q: Given a career move, my daughter (30 Years old) recently moved her pension money from HOOPP into a LIRA and RRSP. Given she has 30+ years to retirement, can you suggest a handful of ETFs that provide both sector and international exposure? Currently considering XAW for some of the monies. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Ronnie on December 08, 2023
Q: My question yesterday did not seem to go through as it did not show up in "My Questions".
In reading your newsletter "What Investments to hold in your TFSA or RRIF" - I hold the above 4 ETF's in my TFSA and was wondering if they should be in this account?
I interpret your information as they should not be in an TFSA.
Read Answer Asked by Terry on November 23, 2023
Q: I have the above ETF's in my TFSA and am wondering if these belong in a TFSA? On reading your newsletter "Investments to hold in your TFSA" , I interpreted this to mean they do not belong in the TFSA. Am I right?
Thanks for your response.
Read Answer Asked by Terry on November 23, 2023
Q: Pls ahare your favorite health stocks or ETFs. I am looking for growth - medium risk. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by gary on July 18, 2023
Q: Could you please recommend a US Dividend ETF (in US $), preferably with a Dividend of 4% or more. Also US Dividend Healthcare ETF. What is a good entry point for each? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Pat on June 21, 2023
Q: Do you think it worthwhile to buy both of these holdings (i.e. 3-4% each in an otherwise reasonably well-diversified portfolio) for the sake of making the best use of their respective growth/dividend potential? Their high degree of correlation seems the one factor mitigating against this strategy.
Read Answer Asked by David on June 07, 2023
Q: Good Morning
Would like your opinion on the Harvest Health Care ETFs? Need to increase health care in portfolio. Is there another way to invest in health care that you would be preferable?
Would it be advisable to be Hedged or Un-Hedged?
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Heather on May 11, 2023
Q: I hold JNJ, PFE and CVS in the health care sector. Are JNJ and PFE sufficiently different to warrant holding both? Would you recommend an alternative (and for which one)?
Read Answer Asked by Benjamin on May 01, 2023
Q: the above are my healthcare holdings in my RRIF. I need to add but am wondering about eliminating individual stocks for an ETF with a higher income component. Any suggestions both on the move and the ETFS

Read Answer Asked by Tom on April 26, 2023
Q: I know that you have suggested the US for healthcare sector exposure given the somewhat limited opportunities in Canada. I struggle a bit with the single company risks in the sector given the possible reversals in fortune with political policy decisions, failures with trials and products in the pipeline, lawsuits etc. etc. Can you suggest two or three ETFs that cover the the entire Healthcare universe (devices, pharmaceuticals, biotech, health insurance carriers and/or whatever else makes up the sector) reasonably well. Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Stephen R. on March 09, 2023