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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi group what's you top pick in the top 6 sectors.( In order of preference with some dialog on each pick). Is it time to go all in verses averaging down. Days like yesterday should shake loose so supers buys?

Also can you comment on risk (i am 74 yrs old) along with a few stocks or elf suggestions in Bitcoin / digital in general
Read Answer Asked by Terence on July 26, 2024
Q: NVEI has extended until April 1st 2025 for holders to decide on options for the buyout. This means that the privatization would have taken about a year from the announcement in March 2024. It looks stretched. Could there be hurdles we are not seeing, financing for example? Or the structure of the company makes it difficult? Just curious ..Thanks a lot.

Read Answer Asked by Denise on July 26, 2024
Q: Does this selloff in tech concern you at all to take down the broader market? Seeing big down moves lately in tech, such as SHOP, GOOGL, NVDA, SMCI, VRT, etc... Tech is my largest weighting for sector, should we be repositioning at all or how would you approach this to maintain profits. I've had a very good run, but hate take the stairs up and then seeing the elevator go down fast. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Keith on July 25, 2024
Q: Constellation Software has impressively continued to climb to new 52 week highs. Topicus and Lumine have been pretty stagnant lately. Do you expect some share price action from Topicus and Lumine in the next 6 months?
Read Answer Asked by Todd on July 23, 2024
Q: How would you rank the following Ai-related companies (best first) with an outlook of at least a year or two?

Read Answer Asked by Brian on July 23, 2024
Q: Dear Peter et al:

I know from your answers that you like VRT. I am down by about 8%. Not too worried. Willing to hold on to this.

The question is two fold:

1. I look at Finviz screener (freebie version!) and the Debt: Equity ratio and LT Debt is high? 2.25 it says. What does it mean? Indicates risk?

2. Worth adding to VRT as it has pulled back or do you think there is more downside drift to come given the sector rotation is now firmly in place?

3. Offers a decent premium and to my earlier question sometime ago you had recommended this as a candidate for writing call options. Do you still hold that view?

Many thanks in advance.
Read Answer Asked by Savalai on July 23, 2024
Q: In spite of Nvidia’s recent drop, I still find myself quite “tech heavy”, and I’m sure I’m not alone! Thinking of trimming, how would you rank these: NVDA, AAPL, AMZN, GOOGL, MSFT, SHOP.
Read Answer Asked by Jim on July 22, 2024