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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: What would be your top thee picks for US Market ETFs today and why? (10+ year hold)

Read Answer Asked by Kyle on July 17, 2024
Q: Hi.

Can you recommend fixed income ETFs, on US and/or international markets in the following areas:

- Technology
- Industrials
- Health care
- Consumer cyclical

In addition, I have a great amount of Magna International stocks (equivalent to 45% of my RRSP portfolio), that had a significant devaluation in the last 2 years. What is your recommendation? To hold, sell...?

Thank you.

Read Answer Asked by Cinthia on July 15, 2024
Q: What do you think of Blackrock’s new Long-Term US Equity ETF (BELT)? It is actively managed so a higher fee but maybe a nice way to diversify the growth portion of one’s portfolio? Or would you recommend sticking with VOO and QQQ? I notice you have also recommended VUG lately. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Kim on July 11, 2024
Q: I will be providing some funds for my grandson to invest in the market. My grandson is 13 years old and has indicated that he has a moderate to aggressive investment risk level. He would like to invest funds and hold the investments for approximately 10 years. For a 10 year hold, would you recommend moderate to high risk companies/ETFs over low risk companies/ETFs? My grandson is considering investing in ETFs and/or individual companies. Please provide your top 5 moderate risk ETFs, top 5 high risk ETFs, top 5 moderate risk companies and top 5 high risk companies with a brief comment on each investment. Please provide a general comment on the typical performance of ETFs vs individual companies. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Don on July 02, 2024
Q: Which ETFs do you consider best for strong growth at this time, Cdian or US, irrespective of sectors, with an indication of the degree of risk for each ? Would CIBR be one of them ?


Jacques IDS
Read Answer Asked by Jacques on June 18, 2024
Q: When you peer into your crystal ball what sector do you see as out performing in the coming 12 months? And which US trading ETF best captures this incredible growth? (Just your best guess…no recriminations if you are off).
Read Answer Asked by David on June 13, 2024
Q: If using your balanced portfolio as my canadian content for an equity portfolio could you please recommend some equity etfs for ex canadian content and what % would be canadian of the total portfolio? I was thinking 40% and 60% outside canada

Read Answer Asked by blake on June 06, 2024
Q: Hi there - between these 2 etfs, which would you consider the better buy hold forever etf? Is there a better buy a hold forever etf other than these 2?

Read Answer Asked by Michael on June 05, 2024
Q: a sunlife life insurance policy was purchased for grandchildren as an investment for them on the advice of a financial planner- I am embarrassed to say so far $9000 in annual premiums has been paid, with 11 more remaining before the policy is paid in full. If I cancel this policy it will be a loss. However; the dollars which would have gone to sunlife could be used for a better investment. Your suggestions would be welcomed. Thank you- (P.S.- I submitted this ? a moment ago-but my screen went black so I don't no if the ? was sent the first time)
Read Answer Asked by jane on May 29, 2024
Q: Hello, I bought ZQQ on 25 January 2021 for CDN $96.79/share. Its price on 26 April 24 was $27.73/share which is 28% gain. My understanding is ZQQ owns QQQ and is CDN $ hedged. QQQ had gain of 42% in US$ for the same period. Exchange rate (US$ to CDN$) for the same period had 7.6% gain. I expected ZQQ return to be roughly QQQ gain minus gain due to change in exchange rate (because it is hedged) which would be 42% - 7.6% = 34.4%. Why ZQQ return is 28% and not close to 34%.

My broker statement shows ZQQ declared dividends and shows DRIP for the same amount as dividend. There was no change in Cash balance and no change in ZQQ shares. What happened to the dividend and DRIP? Broker statement shows cost base of ZQQ went up by the same amount as dividend. This is in my TFSA. Can you please explain what is going on here. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Naren on May 02, 2024
Q: I am holding $60,000 cash -($500,000 total portfolio)What would be best choice to collect interest that can be accessed on short notice also is there any negative aspects from these types of interest bearing accounts.

Presently I own BYD, CSU, FFH COST, LMN TOP MSFT NVDA, BN , BAM, ARC, AMZN, QQQ, SHOP, GOOGL, GSY, NRGI, ZTS, CVE, Can you give me your picks in order from above holdings c/w target price for adding to them.

Appreciate our help with my portfolio
Read Answer Asked by Terence on April 19, 2024
Q: Hello fellow 5i community,

New ETF investor question here. I have no experience with ETF's and therefore have none in my investment portfolio. Based on all the Q&A's and my own research, this is an area I need to get into. Can you please recommend your top picks (open to all suggestions both geo and industry - please rank) and how many ETF's would you recommend if also investing in individual stocks? (including % of a portfolio). Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Julie on April 08, 2024
Q: Hi, I'm thinking of gradually reducing my individual stocks and moving into etfs for an all around set it and forget it roughly $3 million portfolio for someone retiring in the next few months. Can you give me your suggested etfs and percentages to hold to accomplish this balance? A chunk of these funds are not invested yet so I'd also like to know how you would suggest deploying these funds? Would you edge in gradually over a period of time or just get the money working? I'd really appreciate any advice you could give me in this format.
Thank you as always!
Read Answer Asked by Harry on March 14, 2024