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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Can you please recommend 3 CDN Utility ETFs and 3 US Utility ETFs that will provide in one year 10% yield including both dividends and capital appreciation?
Read Answer Asked by Ron on July 23, 2024
Q: Setting up a simple-to-manage, taxable account, with the goal of reasonable stability/safety of capital and the generation of tax efficient income of 4-5% (ideally dividends so Canadian Div tax credit can be used) . Could I please get your comments or alternate suggestions on the following:
25% in VDY, ZUT, HTA and the final 25% split between EIF and BAM. I believe all of these distribute eligible dividends, other than HTA which seems to be Return of Capital / Capital gains.
Registered accounts are held in diversified equities.
Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Alexandra on June 27, 2024
Q: Retired, dividend income investor. From a value point of view, which has more rebound potential....FTS or ZUT? Ya, I know...single company vs ETF, so tough to compare. I own both and have mostly full positions, with a top up in mind for both. Just wondering which one to do first...I am leaning towards ZUT.

When I look at the charts over various timeframes, it looks to my amateur eyes, that ZUT is much more closely tied to interest rate changes. It looks like ZUT started to really take it on the chin during 2022 when interest rates were being cranked up. Also, I am hearing/reading that the worst might be over for the renewables and they might start to rebound...which would benefit ZUT (for the record, I am overweight Eric's NNRG, so I have that end of the Utility-Energy spectrum covered).

Your thoughts?
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on May 28, 2024
Q: I've got 5 years left before retirement, and I want to slowly roll my RRSP from equities to etf's over the 5 years. This year I'd like to buy a few that will have growth over the coming 5 years, thinking of beaten-up sectors like telco's and banks - do you think they have a runway for a 5-year plus hold (also thinking they have a good dividend, jumping in now), and what which etf's would you suggest if you agree with these sectors, or in other sectors. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Kim on May 09, 2024
Q: Is there an ETF that provides equal weight coverage of the TSX similar to what EQL does for the S&P 500?
I would like to increase my ETF holdings providing a broad coverage of the Cdn market vs individual stocks. I already have a heavy weighting in individual financial stocks and most TSX ETFs would simply further skew my overall balance.
Read Answer Asked by Bruce on April 23, 2024
Q: Hi, I’m retired and have a $75,000 rrsp that I’m looking to invest. Would like two ETF’s one Canadian one U.S that complement one another, or four to five stocks.
Would like the suggestions to be fairly conservative with possibly 3-4% dividend. ( don’t really need the money). I’m slightly favouring the etf’s as I want a buy and hold portfolio with a sleep at night possibility. I do have lots of financial and energy stocks already, ( fyi) I know there is always risk that I’m willing to accept.
Thanks for your suggestion
Read Answer Asked by Brad on January 29, 2024
Q: From a value perspective, where the current price is compared to it's historical price range and it's future potential, in what order would you add to these equities (NTR, FTS, XIT, XST, ZUT) to reach asset allocation goals?

I understand it is not apples to apples, due to some of the equities are stocks vs ETFs; and some are conservative vs aggressive.

When looking at both the technicals and fundamentals, I would suggest that NTR and ZUT are undervalued and could be earlier purchases, compared to FTS, XIT, XST. Purchases will be spread out over several months.

Your thoughts on the order?


Read Answer Asked by Stephen on January 23, 2024
Q: Dear Peter et al:

From many of the articles that I have read, it appears that utilities sector is a safe bet for 2024. The rates are going to be stable and not rising seems to be the consensus.
If you agree with this thesis, what are the companies that do you think can mimic or match the return of an ETF like ZUT/XUT? I don't want to pay the high MER but willing to buy a small basket of stocks and hold them for at least 2-3 years.

Many thanks.

P.S. I have spent an hour browsing through the Q&A section and I "kinda" know what your answer is going to be(!!) but need some "handholding" :)
Read Answer Asked by Savalai on December 08, 2023
Q: Retired, dividend-income investor. Sorry...this is a market timing question.

I am in the process of building a position in ZUT. I'm about 70% there. Most of the remaining funds to attain my full position will be sourced over time (3-5 months). However, with the recent run up in NWC and its subsequent impact on my asset allocation, I will be trimming a bit of it (NWC) and plan to direct it towards ZUT.

Q#1 = In the past you have indicated not to worry about market timing, especially when it comes to ETFs. However, with the rise in interest rates and the negative impact on ZUT, roughly when do you think is a reasonable time to start the process of adding (again) to the utilities sector (specifically ZUT)? While the general consensus is that rates have peaked, when do you think the utility sector to start to recover its rates actually have to decrease or just plateau? Also, you have usually answered this type of question with spread your money out over a number of months and get on with it (my paraphrase). Same answer?

Q#2 = Tied in with this a question => relative valuation of ZUT? Where does it's current valuation compare to its historical range? Is it cheap now or pricey?

Thanks for your help...Steve
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on December 08, 2023
Q: Retired, dividend-income investor. I have funds available over time to invest in / top-up some of my positions to meet long term asset allocation targets. I plan on continuing to invest these funds over a number of I have been over the past 8 months.

The question is = in what order do I buy the following = XST, XIT (several BNN-ers say to avoid adding to technology at this point), BCE, BNS, LIFE, ZUT.

One method is to wait for these securities to hit my price targets (based on hitting a combination of fundamental and technical targets (a little bit is kind of bottom-feeding).

A 2nd method is looking at setting the order of buying, based on where one thinks each security is relative to their historic value.

Ignore asset allocation...these are smaller amounts and the AA is reasonably good right now.

My suggested order, subject to where each security's price is at (please shoot holes in my plan):
Sept = BNS,
Oct = XST-#1 (in 2 tranches-spread out),
Nov = ZUT-#1 (ditto),
Dec = XIT-#1 (ditto),
Jan = XST-#2,
Feb = ZUT-#2,
Mar = XIT-#2,
As each hits their price target (minor adds) = BCE, LIFE.

Please state your order and why.
Thanks...much appreciated...Steve
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on August 29, 2023
Q: I would like to follow up on a question asked last week l, to choose between a reit etf and a utilities etf. And you advised the utility sector mapped here is better. Could you please advise on the dividend stock space in general to add in say telcos, banks, insurance and pipelines?
The broader discussion of the moment is about rates and their future path and relative value of earnings and dividends compared to t bills and low risk savings of the like.
Do you feel that any of these sectors are good buys at the moment? Could you maybe rank or group which you feel are best or just in vs out?
Thank you,

Read Answer Asked by Peter on August 16, 2023
Q: I listed in descending order securities that under performed since their 2022 highs. Please rank the securities in order of the best chance to recover their losses when we get back to the risk on mode. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Richard on July 25, 2023