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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Can you identify of the 10 top oil companies in Canada which ones receive WTI vs WCS oil pricing? How would you rank these companies for both risk and total return?
Read Answer Asked by David on September 25, 2024
Q: a while back you preferred PPL over TRP that worked out nicely; thank you.
now TRP stock has recovered and pays higher dividend (so does ENB)
would you still keep PPL or now ENB/TRP has more upside (growth + div)
PPL + ENB is only 4% of my portfolio; I read ENB is benefiting from all the electricity demand so perhaps there is growth there?
Read Answer Asked by JR on August 21, 2024
Q: Good morning Gentlemen: Looking out 2-3 years, could U rank the above companies from most prefer (5) to least prefer (1)?
Secondly, If Trump get elected, Which of these companies will be affected negatively because of protectionism, if at all. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by DAVID on July 30, 2024
Q: What are your 3 favorite choices in each of Canadian pipelines; electric utilities and telecom companies categories for a 5 year hold considering both income and growth?
Read Answer Asked by Terry on May 21, 2024
Q: Good morning all;

I currently own 4 energy infrastructure firms in tax sheltered accounts; amounting to 7% weighting in my portfolio. As part of an overall portfolio review i've concluded I'd like to get that down to 2; for a combination dividends and growth. My question is - which would be your preferred 2 with these parameters.

Thanks as always.


Read Answer Asked by Dave on May 03, 2024
Q: Which 3 Canada Energy stocks (besides SU and ENB) do you currently favour for a 5-10+ year hold?

Please feel free to suggest a company not present in the stock list.
Read Answer Asked by David on May 01, 2024
Q: Your comment on the tax issue regarding Ed’s question today regarding selling ENB to buy another pipeline is bang on. There are several considerations: for a stock to rise 25% to make the switch profitable is quite a challenge and may take years to accomplish ; the 2% differential in yield between ENB and PPL is a ( almost guaranteed) benefit received every quarter, not down the road when sold ; higher growth does not necessarily mean higher share price. Trades like this should only occur when something fundamentally and significantly has negatively happened to the company as many stocks in a sector correlate quite closely to one another. Please shot holes in my discussion. Thanks. Derek.
Read Answer Asked by Derek on April 30, 2024
Q: I currently hold Enbridge in a taxable account and I am thinking of selling it and purchasing a stock in the same sector that has more growth and likely a smaller yield. While I prefer Canadian companies US listed stocks would be considered if they are more attractive.
With appreciation,
Read Answer Asked by Ed on April 29, 2024
Q: I’m an income investor. Basically I live off my dividend stream without the need to touch capital. In this approach, periodically I look for opportunities to bump up my income stream. I see that PPL is pretty close to its highs and that it only raised its dividend marginally last year. This is the sort of situation where I consider perhaps a switch to something paying a higher dividend with a potential of higher stock price appreciation over a longer period of time. I’m thinking of moving into some combination of BNS, ENB, maybe even BCE. what do you think??
Read Answer Asked by Mark on April 19, 2024
Q: I need to raise some cash. Can you rank these investments from your favorite to least favorite currently please and thanks
Read Answer Asked by Martin on April 16, 2024
Q: Hello again, I was not very clear on my question re: additions to Canadian dividend growth portfolio. I would like your top 5 preferences out of the 10 stocks listed, which are all currently held.

The suggestions you made are fine and most of those are also held, but for various reasons including existing position sizes I want to add to the group indicated. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Barbara on April 10, 2024
Q: Greetings, the above companies are all currently held (among others) in a Canadian dividend growth portfolio. For new money, what would be your top 5 choices to add to today? Long-term hold, income and stability with growth potential are key criteria. Would also like to maintain some sector diversification.

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Barbara on April 08, 2024
Q: I own all of the above. I am up with PPL and ALA and about break even with ENB and TRP. I feel too much pipeline exposure??
Which two would you keep?

Thanks for everything


Public Question.
Read Answer Asked by David on March 15, 2024
Q: Good Day. Could you please classify the listed stocks into their appropriate GICS sectors? Thank you kindly.
IGE: iShares North American Natural Resources ETF.
Read Answer Asked by Toge on January 30, 2024
Q: thinking of bottom fishing energy with bias to natgas , which producers
would you consider most undervalued.
Read Answer Asked by howard on January 29, 2024