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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Today I asked the following question

"I am looking at hedged ETF's and specifically VSP. I was interested to see how well the ETF tracked the index and found that over a 5 year time frame - it underperformed by about 11%. (Total return for VSP is 81.0% and SPX is 93.33% - The Vanguard US ETF - VOO tracks SPX almost exactly.) I am assuming that this underperformance is because the hedging strategy is not perfect?? .......or does the 11% difference represent the cost of hedging?? Also - would other hedged ETF's have similar comparisons?? Thanks"

The answer

"The performance difference is not that the hedge doesn't work, it is because it does. VSP takes away the currency impact. The Canadian dollar has been quite weak over the time period noted, so VSP has not benefitted from the rise of the US$ vs the C$. "

This answer makes no sense.
If VSP takes away the currency impact - the returns should match the S&P 500 Index ....that is the whole point of hedging - but its 11% off - that is the question. It is either because the hedging strategy is not effective or its due to the cost of the hedge.

The unhedged equivalent Vanguard Canada ETF VFV outperforms the S&P 500 index as you would expect due to the weaking CAD........because it is unhedged....which makes sense.
Read Answer Asked by Gary on December 06, 2024
Q: Do you know of any Consumer Discretionary ETF's that trade on the TSX?
Read Answer Asked by David C. on December 06, 2024
Q: I am looking at hedged ETF's and specifically VSP. I was interested to see how well the ETF tracked the index and found that over a 5 year time frame - it underperformed by about 11%. (Total return for VSP is 81.0% and SPX is 93.33% - The Vanguard US ETF - VOO tracks SPX almost exactly.)

I am assuming that this underperformance is because the hedging strategy is not perfect?? .......or does the 11% difference represent the cost of hedging?? Also - would other hedged ETF's have similar comparisons??
Read Answer Asked by Gary on December 05, 2024
Q: With the outlook for small caps promising, what ETFs would you recommend...Canadian and US.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on December 05, 2024
Q: I am thinking of selling torment industries at a 10%
Loss and Brookfield infrastructure lp to generate
Money to buy ZMID:CA
I agave current 35% of my investments in u.s.
The balance in Canada this would increase my exposure to the u.s. market to 40%
Can I have your thoughts on this move
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Sam on December 05, 2024
Q: Hello, I plan to rebalance my portfolio in the new year, increasing my bond component in my reg accounts. I already have Canadian individual bonds in my RSP, so I was looking at VGAB for diversification, but when I compare it to XBB, it underperformed XBB for every period in the last 5 years. What do you think of VGAB and should I just keep it simple and use XBB instead? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Martin on December 05, 2024