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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I've decided to buy VIG and SCHD to increase my US portion of my portfolio. What is a fair entry point for them? I tend to wait until stocks go "on sale" but have watched these go up and up over the last few months. VIG's top holdings are Apple and Microsoft, so if the Tech sell-off continues it could go down. SCHD has not hit it's all time high but is getting close. What are your thoughts? Thanks so much!
Read Answer Asked by Pat on July 26, 2024
Q: Hi group what's you top pick in the top 6 sectors.( In order of preference with some dialog on each pick). Is it time to go all in verses averaging down. Days like yesterday should shake loose so supers buys?

Also can you comment on risk (i am 74 yrs old) along with a few stocks or elf suggestions in Bitcoin / digital in general
Read Answer Asked by Terence on July 26, 2024
Q: For a long term investor with a focus on dividend paying companies or fund/ETF's are fixed income types appropriate for a T.F.S.A.? If so can you suggest 2-3 fixed income products?

Thank you- Jim
Read Answer Asked by James on July 26, 2024
Q: The tax gross-up effect of my Canadian dividend paying stocks is creating an OAS clawback concern in my non-registered account. Looking for tax-efficient US and International ETF’s. I don’t want ex-Canada ones because I want to have the flexibility to adjust weightings between these two.

Would HXS be a good option for US? The MER isn’t the best but maybe okay. I don’t know for the International. Thoughts?
Read Answer Asked by James on July 25, 2024
Q: Hi team,

Could you suggest a growth portfolio of EFTs for a TFSA, with an indication as to the degree of risk for each ?

Is it a good idea to have a TFSA all in ETFs ? Or what kind of mix (ETFs and stocks) would you suggest ?


Jacques IDS
Read Answer Asked by Jacques on July 25, 2024
Q: I currently hold CALF and want to buy similar ETF in CDN dollars. Is there any ETF in CDN. If none which one would you recommend.

I am also interested in buying MID CAP ETF. Please give us your recommendations in US and CDN market ETF.

Thanks for the great advice
Read Answer Asked by Hector on July 24, 2024
Q: SHLD NYSE Arca/US Global X Defense Tech ETF

What's your opinion on this one, buy or not?

Has some unusual holdings.

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Ross on July 24, 2024
Q: Can you please recommend 3 hedged CDN ETFs that follow the S&P 500, but with less % ownership of the 7 high tech companies such as owned by: ZUE, XSP, and VSP? I'm looking for 10% profit over one year including both dividends and capital appreciation.
Read Answer Asked by Ron on July 23, 2024
Q: I see CI MSCI Canada Quality Index Class ETF (FQC.TO) is no longer available. This was an ETF that seemed to following 5i's investments strategy. It's replacement CI Canada Quality Dividend Growth Index ETF (DGRC.TO) is very different, with a much different sector allocation.

Is there another Canadian ETF that you would recommend as a replacement for FQC, that is similar to the 5i strategy?

Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Camille on July 23, 2024
Q: I recently upgraded my subscription and received the Canadian Money Saver magazine subscription, which I'm really enjoying. In the most recent issue there is a page of top US dividends within a certain criteria. I was surprised at the number of funds paying 10% plus divs. I realize that this isn't always a safe investment, but in light of rates falling, I wonder if you have a few suggestions for high dividend paying etf's (US and or Cdn) or REITs that would have capital preservation (generally maintain share price, or increase) as the rates come down, but realize income through the div.
Read Answer Asked by Kim on July 23, 2024
Q: Can you please recommend 3 CDN Utility ETFs and 3 US Utility ETFs that will provide in one year 10% yield including both dividends and capital appreciation?
Read Answer Asked by Ron on July 23, 2024
Q: Your opinion please for a US dollar ultra short BondTreasury holding in US dollar RRSP account. Retired and need some fixed income. Currently yields 5.80%. Please confirm yield if you can as well.
Thank You
Read Answer Asked by MANFRED on July 23, 2024