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5i Recent Questions
Q: What do you think of Blackrock’s new Long-Term US Equity ETF (BELT)? It is actively managed so a higher fee but maybe a nice way to diversify the growth portion of one’s portfolio? Or would you recommend sticking with VOO and QQQ? I notice you have also recommended VUG lately. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Kim on July 11, 2024
Q: Looking at ETF SPYG for my $US Acct. Holdings are sub-set (about 228) of S&P 500 said to have better growth. MER=0.04%.

Appears similar to VOO, VUG, MER also similar. Looking for growth, not income. For 3-5 year hold, Please comment on SPYG and compare to the two Vanguard ETFs.

Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by John on July 04, 2024
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