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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi there,

Can you comment on the strength of small and mid caps going forward and give me 1 US and 1 Cdn etf to look at?

Ok thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Robert on July 26, 2024
Q: Hi Group i am light on small caps what is the best way to play it or would you just wait?. If you like a better way than Russell growth/value please advise.

Also light on healthcare /financials/ industrials could you give me you top 2 picks (stock or ETF) in each of these sectors c/w short note on why you like them

Thanks for your help
Read Answer Asked by Terence on July 22, 2024
Q: Hi,

Your faith in resurgence of Small caps seem to be paying off! IWM is on a tear, eh?! However an article in Barron's seem to suggest that it is bit early to dive into Small caps!

Having said that, can you suggest some LOW COST Small cap ETFs both in the US and the rest of the world. If you want to give some for growth and some for value, it will be appreciated.

Many thanks.


Read Answer Asked by Savalai on July 19, 2024
Q: I’m looking to replicate IWM and IWO with US growth companies but with a Canadian registered ETF. Any suggestions or is that not a possibility.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Terry on July 19, 2024
Q: I am looking for income and some growth,but income is more important. With that in mind what are favorite ETFs in the following areas ?
International ,excluding North America
US small cap.
US large cap.
Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Philip on July 18, 2024
Q: I have some cash to deploy. Do you think yesterday's shift into 'other' stocks is a meaningful moment? I am not looking to sell any of the big US firms (GOOG, NVDA, etc.,) that I hold but wonder if it is an opportune time to put some of this money elsewhere. I am specifically looking at the US market and the move yesterday into RH and the like. Any sectors or specific stock suggestion that might fit this theme would be appreciated. I am thinking of US mostly, but not exclusively. Thank-you.
Read Answer Asked by Alex on July 15, 2024
Q: HI Everyone,

My portfolios (Non-Registered, RRIF, TFSA) consist of only 100% Canadian equities and Cash. I am retired and would finally like to add some excitement and diversity to my holdings. Can you please suggest some Global/International or US ETF's and/or other funds that I could consider.

In my current mish-mash of holdings; I presently own: BCE, T, ENB, AP.un,H&R-un,BN, CSU, TOI, LMN, EDV, K, VET, WSP, LSPD, Anergia, Copperleaf, Softchoice, ATD, and WSP, etc.

Thanks very much,

Read Answer Asked by Dean on July 10, 2024
Q: I will be providing some funds for my grandson to invest in the market. My grandson is 15 years old and is interested in investing some funds for his retirement years (40+ year time frame). He has indicated that he has a moderate to aggressive investment risk level. Please provide your top 5 large cap ETFs and top 5 small cap ETFs with a comment on each ETF. Please provide your top 5 large cap companies and top 5 small cap companies with a comment on each company. Please include general comments on the anticipated returns for the ETFs and companies. Thank you. We
Read Answer Asked by Don on July 04, 2024
Q: I will be providing some funds for my grandson to invest in the market. My grandson is 13 years old and has indicated that he has a moderate to aggressive investment risk level. He would like to invest funds and hold the investments for approximately 10 years. For a 10 year hold, would you recommend moderate to high risk companies/ETFs over low risk companies/ETFs? My grandson is considering investing in ETFs and/or individual companies. Please provide your top 5 moderate risk ETFs, top 5 high risk ETFs, top 5 moderate risk companies and top 5 high risk companies with a brief comment on each investment. Please provide a general comment on the typical performance of ETFs vs individual companies. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Don on July 02, 2024
Q: Which ETFs do you consider best for strong growth at this time, Cdian or US, irrespective of sectors, with an indication of the degree of risk for each ? Would CIBR be one of them ?


Jacques IDS
Read Answer Asked by Jacques on June 18, 2024
Q: Hi,
I read with interest your latest Market Update. I am curious, given your interest rate and market analysis, does the Russell 2000's performance (e.g., IWO) this year indicate anything to you about the possible future direction of markets and the economy? Thanks, Michael
Read Answer Asked by Michael on June 14, 2024
Q: When you peer into your crystal ball what sector do you see as out performing in the coming 12 months? And which US trading ETF best captures this incredible growth? (Just your best guess…no recriminations if you are off).
Read Answer Asked by David on June 13, 2024
Q: I am interested in buying some mid- to small-cap stocks. I am tracking some of the ones you mentioned and am considering them.

For non-experts though, it seems like it would be better to go the ETF route on such companies. Do you agree and can you recommend a couple of options in CAD and USD.
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on March 06, 2024
Q: Can you please suggest a few ETF's for a young investor who has recently opened a brokerage account.
My 30 y/o son will be transferring funds currently held at his bank. (TSFA , RESP, RRSP accounts) He is looking for long term investments options.

We as grand parents have started a RESP for each of the grandchildren. Looking after their first year RESP contributions. Currently invested in HXS and a small VFV position.
Can you please give some options for :
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Gord on February 20, 2024
Q: Please recommend 5 ETF's for a young investor just starting her career and investing in her first TFSA. Thank you in advance.
Read Answer Asked by Helen on February 08, 2024
Q: I recently retired and looking to place some of my savings into the market with a 5 year horizon at which time I will re-evaluate. Will tolerate a moderate to light risk. Could you please recommend 3 or 4 stocks or etf’s for my TFSA and 5-6 stocks for growth. Appreciate all your efforts. Thank you. Brian
Read Answer Asked by Brian on February 07, 2024
Q: I am interested in the Canadian MoneySaver Model ETF portfolio. I can replace the SPY & VGT ETFs with CDN ETF’s that hold those two US indexs. Is there a CDN ETF that holds the iShares Russell 2000 Growth (IWO) & a CDN ETF that holds the Consumer Discretionary Select Sector SPDR (XLY)? Thanks. … Cal
Read Answer Asked by cal on February 05, 2024
Q: Hi 5i team,

My daughter and her partner are investing in their RRSPs through a work plan. They are in a number of Mutual funds, some with quite high MERs range about 1.5 to 2.5%. Also high redemption rates (some up to 5% in first year or two). I have tried to find the mutual funds from their statements, but mostly listed without codes so difficult to be certain of all data.

They have :
20% Balanced funds
47% Canadian Equity
13% Global Fixed income
20% Foreign Equity.

Amount invested is significant but not really high - includes 3 years of contributions/investment. I think they would be best to withdraw the money now and invest in ETFs. I don't think they need to similarly replicate the funds above in ETFs.

2 questions:

A. Any suggestions as to most efficient way to withdraw from these funds? Are there questions to ask that might help reduce redemption bite or should they just make the switch.
B. They are late 30's and 40 yo, so time horizon of approx. 20 years or more before needing money. They are interested in investing but are very early in this. Wondering what you would suggest for starter ETFs right now with bias towards growth. Perhaps you could suggest 4-6 ETFs that would give them age and time horizon appropriate investments.

Please use as many questions as needed.
Thank you in advance for your usual great service and the very helpful advice.
Read Answer Asked by Tulio on January 31, 2024