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Q: What's up with the HXS ETF today (Jan 21)? The Canadian dollar is down 0.1%, the S&P is up 0.65%, yet, instead of being 0.75% up, the HXS is down 1.2% at the moment and below yesterday's NAV. The volume is below average, so it doesn't look like any big sellers dumping shares. What can explain almost 2% difference between the expected and observed behaviour of this ETF?
- Global X S&P 500 Index Corporate Class ETF (HXS)
- Global X S&P/TSX 60 Index Corporate Class ETF (HXT)
Q: Can you please rank your top 3 Global X
total return funds with no distributions, in order of preference?
total return funds with no distributions, in order of preference?
- Global X S&P 500 Index Corporate Class ETF (HXS)
- Global X S&P 500 Index Corporate Class ETF (HXS.U)
- Global X S&P/TSX 60 Index Corporate Class ETF (HXT)
- Global X S&P/TSX 60 Index Corporate Class ETF (HXT.U)
Q: Good morning,
I currently own HXS and HXT in most of my RESP/TFSA/RRIF and NON - REGISTERED accounts.
In completing an annual performance review of my family portfolio, I noticed that the difference in calendar year performance between HXS and HXS.U is quite significant. In fact for 2024 the calendar year performance of HXS was 35.04% while the calendar year performance of the HXS.U was 24.48%.
I assume that most of the difference can be attributed to the difference between the Can $ and US $.
Q1. If one believes that the CDN$ will remain depressed compared to the US$ for the foreseeable future, which version of these Global X ETFs, do you recommend holding in RESP/TFSA/RRIF accounts where taxes are not an issue.
Q2. Which type of accounts (RESP/RRIF/TFSA/Non-Registered) stand to benefit the most from holding these Total Return ETFs and in what order?
Thank you and I'll await your response.
I currently own HXS and HXT in most of my RESP/TFSA/RRIF and NON - REGISTERED accounts.
In completing an annual performance review of my family portfolio, I noticed that the difference in calendar year performance between HXS and HXS.U is quite significant. In fact for 2024 the calendar year performance of HXS was 35.04% while the calendar year performance of the HXS.U was 24.48%.
I assume that most of the difference can be attributed to the difference between the Can $ and US $.
Q1. If one believes that the CDN$ will remain depressed compared to the US$ for the foreseeable future, which version of these Global X ETFs, do you recommend holding in RESP/TFSA/RRIF accounts where taxes are not an issue.
Q2. Which type of accounts (RESP/RRIF/TFSA/Non-Registered) stand to benefit the most from holding these Total Return ETFs and in what order?
Thank you and I'll await your response.
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