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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi group what's you top pick in the top 6 sectors.( In order of preference with some dialog on each pick). Is it time to go all in verses averaging down. Days like yesterday should shake loose so supers buys?

Also can you comment on risk (i am 74 yrs old) along with a few stocks or elf suggestions in Bitcoin / digital in general
Read Answer Asked by Terence on July 26, 2024
Q: In spite of Nvidia’s recent drop, I still find myself quite “tech heavy”, and I’m sure I’m not alone! Thinking of trimming, how would you rank these: NVDA, AAPL, AMZN, GOOGL, MSFT, SHOP.
Read Answer Asked by Jim on July 22, 2024
Q: Hi Team,
After the sell off of the last couple days now what are 3 of your favourite Canadian stocks you would be keen on buying today for a long term hold, regardless of sector ranked best to least. Also if there are any US names available as cdrs that are good buys today after some extreme selling I would be interested in those to.

Thanks ,
Read Answer Asked by Shane on July 19, 2024
Q: If you have to create new balance portfolio that includes CDR and CDN stocks.. Which 25 stocks portfolio would you recommend that includes both.

Do you think you would create new balance portfolio in the future that includes CDR.

Thanks for the great service

Read Answer Asked by Hector on July 19, 2024
Q: Hi 5i,

Provided the long term business models for these stocks remains intact, and seeing a sale happening now, what would be attractive sales prices for each going into earnings?

Read Answer Asked by Christopher on July 19, 2024
Q: Based on today’s price and multiples, how would you rank Amazon vs Google vs Nvidia. I have 6% in Google and Nvidia. I only have a 3% position in Amazon. If it were you’re account, would you trim to add to Amazon or just add to Amazon. 5 year+ timeframe
Read Answer Asked by Don on July 19, 2024
Q: Hi 5I, my question is more about portfolio construction. I have moved both AMT and CCI to the communications sector of my portfolio to raise the percentage in that sector and to decrease the financial sector or REITS. It it fair to do such things as it does feel like they belong in the communications sector.
Read Answer Asked by Mark on July 18, 2024
Q: Hi, Any insights as to why the share price of SHOP is trading at a much higher forward P/E and forward P/FCF than all of the magnificent 7 with the exception of TSLA? As of end of trading Jul 15 this is the data I have:

Compare Forward P/E with Mag 7:
TSLA 88.54
SHOP 62.2
NVDA 43.95
AMZN 40.32
MSFT 35.9
AAPL 33.86
META 24.2
GOOG 24.1

Compare Forward P/FCF with Mag 7:
TSLA 133.02
SHOP 65.22
MSFT 48.2
NVDA 50.24
AMZN 35.03
AAPL 30.43
META 27.6
GOOG 28.5
Read Answer Asked by Michael on July 17, 2024
Q: Hello Team,

Looking at starting a new position in a few of the 12 companies tagged. Can you rank from 1 to 12 on which companies you think is the best to start a new position in. No worries on size, industry or risk, looking for capital appreciation only over the next 3 years.

Thanks again!
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on July 15, 2024
Q: Good morning 5i, I've held CCL.B for a few years and until the positive results in the 1st Q this year giving it a bump it has been a slow grower. I'm considering moving on to something with more momentum. Two questions: What are your thoughts on CCL.B for the next 3-5 years?, and if it were to be sold, what are your top picks in the consumer cyclical sector, Cdn or U.S. for growth and ideally a small dividend? I already have ATD and BYD.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Lois on July 15, 2024
Q: I know this is outside 5i's wheelhouse, but I am going to cheekily ask it anyway. I am contemplating a 50% drawdown of my investments (to purchase a cottage) and want to determine the optimal way to do so. 50% of my investments are in a cash account, and roughly 50% split equally between TFSAs and RRSPs (all of which are maxed out). Almost all my high growth stocks are in my TFSA (NVDA, VRT, GOOG, MSFT, AMZN), with mostly slower growers and dividend stocks in the other accounts. Considering both tax consequences and the need to continue having a diversified portfolio, where would YOU take the money from?
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on July 10, 2024
Q: My portfolio is 35 per cent technology. I own 600 shares of Nvidia which comprise close to 10 per cent of my holdings. I also own Goog Amazon Microsoft and Apple but no Meta. Does it make sense to sell 200 shares of Nvidia to buy into Meta at this time or do I not interfere with the Nvidia momentum.
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on July 09, 2024
Q: I hold the above positions in approx equal weights in a non-registered account from which I need to raise some cash for a home project. If you were to sell entire positions, in what order would you proceed, first to be sold through to tenth (ie which positions do you see as having the most potential yet to be realized and would be later in your sell order)? Alternatively, are there some positions you would sell outright while trimming as needed from others, and if so, which ones would be sells - again in what order - and which would be trims? Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Bruce on July 05, 2024
Q: I'm considering a very small position in WBA as a "contra", turn-around pick. I recognize that this is not the type of stock 5i would consider investing in. However I value your opinion on this name despite its warts already mentioned in past Q&A:

- Do you see about a 5 P/E based on projected earnings? Other metrics also seem better than the last 10 years.....of course for a reason.

- How sustainable is the new dividend payout?

- Do they have the capability to cut costs enough to bring the debt load down to acceptable levels?

- In your opinion, how susceptible is their business model to disruption?

Read Answer Asked by James on July 03, 2024
Q: Greetings 5i,

Can you list your 5 best managed US and 5 best managed Canadian publicly traded companies. Also please briefly explain why they make your list.

Read Answer Asked by Duane on July 03, 2024
Q: Thanks to your sage advice, I am up significantly (again) on NVDA. Last year, I let it run up to 10% of my holdings, sold half and purchased VRT (now up 30%). NVDA has now increased to 8% of my portfolio. I understand there are multiple drivers currently at work turbo-charging the price of this stock (earnings, stock split, upcoming DOW listing, forced acquisition by ETFs, etc.). All this prompts three questions. How large would YOU let your NVDA grow as a percentage of your portfolio before trimming? Assuming you wanted to trim, when do you think the stock price will start leveling off (assuming the absence of black swan events)? If you wanted to take some profit and invest it outside tech, what would be your three highest conviction US stocks today? AMZN, MSFT, VRT, GOOG, V, and J already held. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on June 20, 2024
Q: I currently hold COST, WMT, and ADT in consumer staples and am wondering if switching WMT and or ADT for either PRMW, L, or DOL would give me better growth going forward? Or do you have a better option?

Read Answer Asked by Lyle on June 18, 2024
Q: I read with interest your (excellent) advice about ‘when to sell a stock for fundamental reasons’ as I believe I often sold for wrong reasons, and I want to ‘learn’ to do it for better reasons. You mention the following:
‘In the case of volatility, if a name is jumping by 5% or more any given day, it is tough to call it an ‘investment’ anymore as it becomes more of a bet on a given day’s move. Again, some investors will make money here, but we would far prefer to look elsewhere at this stage.’
Vertiv (VRT) is one of the stocks you often mention as one that is taking full advantage of AI because of its ‘privileged’ involvement in data centre cooling technology and is in a ‘growth spurt’ that affects the stock price and is worth considering at this stage of AI growth investing. ( you do add it won't last forever, though…) Nonetheless, it is trading lately with large daily swings (of 5% and, even, sometimes 10%). In which way would it be different then and tough to call it an investment vs a speculation? I feel the same goes for Propel Holdings (PRL) which is another small but rapidly growing company because of an interesting business model. (it too, lately, also appears to be on an up and down elevator ride.) Would you care to explain the difference in reasoning please?
Thanks, Adel
Read Answer Asked by Adel on June 18, 2024