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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have 20% of my TFSA in US $ and currently hold AXON and SMCI, split 40% and 60%. I am fine continuing with AXON in which I have a 40% gain) but have been dithering about SMCI. I did take some off the table at its highs (used to buy AXON) and there is still a 68% gain in the holding. I could (1) reduce the position and add to AXON - or add a 3rd holding ? ; (2) sell all of AXON or (3) just stay the course. Your arm's length comments would be appreciated as well as your thoughts on possible replacement - sector not an issue.
Many thanks, as always
Read Answer Asked by Alexandra on October 24, 2024
Q: Hello 5i

I have held ULTA and SMCI (full positions) for about a year and am reconsidering them due to changes in forecast etc.
Could you suggest 5 alternate names in the US that project growth in the next 2-3 years?
They do not need to be sector specific just strong growth and good fundamentals.

Thank you tremendously for all you do!
Read Answer Asked by Josh on October 21, 2024
Q: Hello 5i,

Thank you for answering my question yesterday. We are looking at replacing CELH (-50%), CTRA (-3%), and NXT (-23%) in a TFSA or RRSP. From our question yesterday we would replace these stocks with CECO, ASPN, & AVAV (TMDX was purchased yesterday. Is your conviction higher on CELH over CECO, ASPN, & AVAV, or ISRG?

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on October 11, 2024
Q: Please rank the following stocks to purchase today at current values. Or should I wait for a pullback in market?
Read Answer Asked by Ben on October 10, 2024
Q: What are your top 10 Canadian and top 10 US stocks for a long term hold?
Read Answer Asked by Ben on October 10, 2024
Q: I am currently doing my quarterly rebalancing of my portfolio. I need to up my US equity holdings. My current US holdings are AAPL, BRK.B,XOM, JPM, MSFT, MCD, V. What are your favorite long term US holdings right now ?
Read Answer Asked by Mark on October 07, 2024
Q: Please rank the top 10 stocks from list above above for a long term hold. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Ben on September 22, 2024
Q: Hello, can you please share your top 3 names ideally in the tech or industrials/manufacturing sector that most closely resemble Axon of 2-3 years ago:
- Lots of growth opportunities
- Business model with high recurring revenue
- Potential to be industry leaders
- Expensive for good reason
- Chance at doubling over the next 5 years
Are there others you think could grow into that type of business?
Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Blake on September 19, 2024
Q: Hi 5i,

Had to trim some of my US holdings today due to portfolio balancing/management.

Hoping you could recommend some potential US stocks to redeploy this capitol over the next few months when the opportunity comes up. Looking to hold for at least 5+ years and I am interested in growth and ok with risk.

I have already enough exposure to AI stocks (AMD/VRT/GOOG/MSFT). I am open to any other sector you suggest but was leaning towards something in the real estate or industrial sector.

Thank you in advance and love the service,

Greg C.
Read Answer Asked by GREGORY on September 17, 2024
Q: In May 2024 you answered a question rewarding building a portfolio of US stock: Q: Suppose our extraterrestrial friend, Blaarg, seeks to diversify their portfolio by investing in the U.S. market. Which 12-15 top U.S. stocks would you recommend for them over the next decade? Thanks
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Asked by Esther on May 27, 2024
5i Research Answer:
Here are some of the high-quality US names with moderate risks and reasonable valuations that we think investors could do well by owning a basket of these names over the long term. Although these may not the the best winners, we think these could be considered as compounders such as BKNG, ULTA, AXON, ABNB, UBER, ADBE, FI, ODFL, HEI, AZO, ORLY, ARES.

Would your answer be the same today. If not, what would be your list today? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Roger on September 16, 2024
Q: I have some cash in my TFSA and would like to add to one of my smaller holdings - AMD, VRT, AXON, LMN. Would you be able to rank in which order you would add? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Kim on September 13, 2024
Q: Sold 1/2 my portfolio (except CSU, TOI, LMN) at the end of August. First week into Sept and I'm looking smart. While I think it's still too early, when and how do I get back into market? Holdings (some sold out in August) include AMZN, META, NVDA, AMD, VRT, BN, SHOP, AXON, SNPS, NOVT, GOOG, NU, ELF.
Read Answer Asked by John on September 07, 2024
Q: Just renewed earlier this year and realized it's been 10 years. Thanks for all your sage advice over the years and the many multibaggers (I was hooked after Amaya) that came with it.

What initially drew me to 5i was Peter's enthusiasm for small caps. Using his methods can you recommend your current favourite US small caps at the moment (I have lots of Canadian ones thanks to the growth & balanced portfolios).

Thanks, see you in 2034!
Read Answer Asked by dan on September 06, 2024
Q: Hello Team,

Looking to purchase a couple stocks in my US dollar trading account, are you able to rank the above stocks from 1 to 12. Don't worry about size, industry or risk, will be holding for 3 years. Thanks so much!
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on August 21, 2024
Q: Hi 5i
Thoughts on TEAM? Would you put it on watch...It's not one of my finest and with a tech heavy weight could provide funds for another name.
Read Answer Asked by mike on August 08, 2024
Q: Thank you for the Monday morning alert. I took a chance that you would have devoted a bit of holiday time to explain the situation in easier language than CNBC was describing.
When stocks report good quarters they spike up and then 90% of the time they drift back down to the trend line. This happens whether the market has been in an uptick or a downtick. I guess I should be like everyone else and when this happens, get out of all or a big part of my positions. What would be your advice on this? Thanks so much.
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on August 08, 2024