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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello,
I am wondering if you can please provide some info on this preferred share. Bought many years ago as a "safe" investment only to see value decrease. Finally, it has hit 25 dollars. What is reasoning to hold preferred shares like these and why has this one risen? What makes this desirable now? Are they safer than common shares? I remember being told from an advisor that this is considered fixed income which I don't have a lot of. I have hated preferred shares for so long and am wondering if it makes sense to sell and reallocate funds to a bank or insurance stock. Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Neil on July 17, 2024
Q: Hello,
I have follow up questions on your June 19 response to Scott. I am not a shareholder and not planning on becoming one - Just curious about the next steps following the defaults.

You mentioned the convertible holders may issue stock causing massive dilution. It is essentially a takeover to take control of the asset disposition process and negotiation with the 1st mortgagees.

Are debentures always convertibles?

I presume the 1st mortgagee for each property owned will also send their notice of default and ask for repayment / start the foreclosure process. Is that correct and do the convertible owners have any remedy to try protecting the remaining equity?
Just looking for your general comments to understand next steps. Thank you for your great service.
Read Answer Asked by Pierre on June 28, 2024
Q: I have owned BPO.PR.I for while,it pays a 12% dividend and I just purchased the othe a few days ago,pays a 10% dividend.My reason for buying them is of course for the yield,but they also will probaby out perform the company shares if rates drop.What's your opinion??
Read Answer Asked by terry on June 26, 2024
Q: This and another preferred are going to be redeemed by CIBC. While I lose a nice dividend (and it was about to reset at a higher rate), I profited from the redemption. My holdings are about half they once were due to redemptions. So I am wondering if I should return to the preferred market (which has been nothing but erratic), or reinvest the funds back into Bonds and Stocks.
Read Answer Asked by Greg on June 26, 2024
Q: Hi there,

I’m looking for a preferred for a small portion of my portfolio. These BEP preferreds are floating rate variety. Can you tell me how they will behave with the current interest rate forecast and which one to buy?

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Robert on June 24, 2024
Q: The price of BN.PR.C has dropped significantly since the first week of May. The steepest drop was at the time of the prime interest rate decrease by the B of C. Should one expect similar price drops as interest rates decrease? This preferred share now yields 11.46%. If looking for income, would you have any concerns regarding buying a part position now?
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on June 19, 2024
Q: Is there I sight that provides information about convertible debenture market in Canada?
Read Answer Asked by Robert on May 09, 2024
Q: hello 5i:
please comment on the following headline:

NexGen Announces Strategic Purchase of 2.7 Million Pounds of Uranium with Issuance of US$250 Million Convertible Debenture

Obviously the market didn't like it. Did they pay too much for the product? How could this help them going forward? Will the debentures be available for retail buyers and at what price? How does 5i feel about the debentures on a risk/reward basis?
Add as much colour as you feel is relevant.
Paul L
Read Answer Asked by Paul on May 09, 2024
Q: If BEP.PR.O preferred shares are going to be redeemed for $25 on April 15, why are they trading for $25.25 today. I own these preferred shares & am wondering if I should sell today for an extra 25 cents per share or wait until April 15. I have enough shares to cover the $9.99 commission fee. Thanks … Cal
Read Answer Asked by cal on April 05, 2024