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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Blackrock sent a tender offer today: "Option 1: Tender Consideration (USD funds) (Subject to Proration) - To receive 98% of the NAV per share of Blackrock Capital Allocation Term Trust Common Share tendered on pricing date". Or do nothing and hold.

1. The current NAV shows on a 'net search as $17.45; would you expect that to change much from now until the "pricing date"?
2. What is the date for the "pricing date"?
3. Why would Blackrock want to do this?
4. What would you do if you owned shares? Current share price is $16.36;
5. Where can I find the offering circular?

6. Also, my 2 service providers show the yield at 11.5%; the profile on the 5i Market Data shows it at 21%. What do you think it is?

Many thanks for your excellent service.
Read Answer Asked by Leonard on July 24, 2024
Q: In your estimation, is the Apollo Tactical Income fund configured to strengthen as interest rates fall or remain at their current level?
Further to my previous question on AIF, can you comment on the tax treatment that will be applied to the distributions resulting from its upcoming merger? (note: my previous question on AIF's prospect should, I suppose. be better directed at MFIC...)
Read Answer Asked by David on July 11, 2024
Q: What is your current opinion of - is it a good investment or would you have alternatives that are better?
Read Answer Asked by Reg on June 28, 2024
Q: Hi 5i,
I have a small position in Fairfax India holdings. I have made a gain but disappointing for the length of time I have had it. I can still be patient for possibly 5 more years or longer. Would you recommend holding this, or consider ETF's of India holdings that you had recommended in March of this year (ZID or INDY) or other ETF?
Should be on the conservative side of investing.

Thank you for the great service
Read Answer Asked by Tulio on June 21, 2024
Q: I am finalizing RRIF portfolio focusing on safety and yield. I am trying to decide between Canoe Income fund and SLF. Performance-wise they look similar to me but with EIT having a higher yield. I would value your advice on selecting one of these unless you have an even better suggestion then that would be welcome as well. Thanks for all you do! Dan
Read Answer Asked by Dan on May 28, 2024
Q: Hi, can you give any info on the above, there are no inquiries up until now.

Thanks as always
Read Answer Asked by Anthony on May 23, 2024
Q: As a retired income investment, I have enjoyed the steady increase in the value of these funds over the last years as well as a good dividend. In fact they tended to stay steady every time the market dipped. Until lately. Both have seen daily drops unseen before. Has anything changed or is it the general skittish market right now.
Read Answer Asked by Don on April 23, 2024
Q: When I asked about PDI back in July 2023, you stated you would be fine holding it for 3-9 months. I am still down about 20% on it. It is currently at/near the same price it was last July. I'm liking the high monthly dividend payment but am concerned how long it can last. Do you think the high dividend is sustainable (and if not how much would you expect it to be cut?). As well, looking into 2024 with interest rates likely dropping marginally, a soft/no landing scenario, and all other things considered for 2024, do you think this one can approach $22-$23 in 2024? Any other nuggets of wisdom regarding PDI are welcome .....
Read Answer Asked by Randy on January 08, 2024
Q: Hello Folks:
Currently we own solid positions in CIC.TO AND MFC-PK.TO and interested in both MAERSK and USA because of dividends (Maersk 19.24% and USA 9.98%).
What is your opinion of these companies, security of their dividends, growth etc. Maersk is one of the world's premier shipping companies although one questions sustainability of such a rich dividend.
All The Best

Read Answer Asked by Brian on December 11, 2023