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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I'm not sure if you will provide information and/or are comfortable commenting on Fidelty Investment ETFs. I have taken a cursory look at this particular fund. I am looking for something comparable that can generate a similar or better yield (4.01%) while enjoying a conservative capital gains opportunity.

Thanks for all you do

Read Answer Asked by Gord on October 02, 2024
Q: Can you please provide your opinion on what happens to floating rate funds as interest rates drop? Do you get a similar appreciation of the bonds with lower rates. I notice this fund is short duration so curious on your thoughts. YTD up 7% so a reasonable return but noticed in the short term with steeper drops it doesnt seem to perform as well.

Curious if a better play would be a longer duration fixed income fund?
Read Answer Asked by David on August 30, 2024
Q: Hello,

My RRSP funds are with TD Strategic management balanced portfolio, MER is about 1.8%, it does not look like it is doing good. What are your thoughts about TD Strategic management balanced portfolio, and will self-manage option be better to save 1.8%
Read Answer Asked by Manjit on August 23, 2024
Q: Can you compare the three and why you would prefer one over the other? And also for a retired income dependant investor how much would you consider to allocate in a portfolio? Tks Larry
Read Answer Asked by Larry on August 16, 2024
Q: This is a similar question to Craig’s question on August 8, regarding several mawer funds
I have held the above funds for a few years, and they are all positive still
Do you see underperformace of these funds in the past five years and if so would you advise replacing them with an ETF?
can you recommend etf replacements in Canadian dollar
Much appreciated
Read Answer Asked by Indra on August 12, 2024
Q: I have a sizeable amount of my Retirement savings invested in Mawer Global Balanced fund and have been a big fan of Mawer over past years. YTD this fund as well as many other Mawer funds have underperformed their benchmarks. A 3rd Party Advisor suggested over the Long run I would do better to avoid the fees and utilize either VBAL or XGRO on a Passive basis thus avoiding Management fees and the eventual underperformance of Fund Picking vs Passive investing.

What do you think of Mawers underperformance recently and which strategy would best serve the needs of a moderate knowledge investor to maximize Performance?
Read Answer Asked by Craig on August 08, 2024
Q: Where would I look to find yearly historical AUM numbers for ETFs and Mutual funds traded in Canada? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Raymond on June 28, 2024
Q: I hold ZQQ for tech exposure. It has grown 33.8% over the last year. I've noticed that RBF619, a Life Science and Technology fund, has grown 39.9% over the same period even with a much higher MER - 0.94% vs 0.39%. I assume this is due to the life science component in RBF619, including high performing stocks like Lilly. Would you switch ZQQ to RBF619 or are there other alternatives that provide a better tech return than ZQQ.
Read Answer Asked by Ken on June 11, 2024
Q: What do you think of AIM1517 for international exposure?

I have a couple of mutual funds left in my RRSP that I bought YEARS ago. I’m trying to decide if I should keep them or replace them with an ETF(s)? I currently hold XEC and XEF for international exposure. Is it worth keeping AIM1517 for international exposure, it’s 60%+ US stock so not sure how international it really is. Would something like XEC and XEF make more sense and provide better overall results? Is there a better ETF(s) I should be looking at for that goal?
Read Answer Asked by Raymond on June 11, 2024
Q: Hi,

Is there a way for me to buy US and/or Global small cap stocks in Canadian dollars? Your answers from the archives suggest XCS which deals only with Canadian small caps. Any ETF or Mutual Fund in CAD for the US/Global Small caps? What is your favourite Mutual Fund? I know you don't like their high MERs. Neither do I. :) Many thanks.

P.S. I searched in ETF and MF Newsletter to no avail. Still no easy search function ;) Long over due folks.
Read Answer Asked by Savalai on June 03, 2024
Q: Good Morning
Am I correct that these three TD Waterhouse Savings accounts TDB8150, TDB8155, and TDB8159 are EACH separately insured to $100,000 by Canadian Deposit Insurance Corporation? Even if all three are in my Cash account? I am just wanting the safest place to park cash for awhile with decent interest.
Thanking you........ Paul K
Read Answer Asked by Paul on May 29, 2024
Q: Currently this fund makes up approximately 21% of my portfolio and is my only diversified holding. It at 7.6% yield makes up 40% of my monthly income and pension makes up balance.The 1.05% and of course a good % of yield is roc. Would you suggest any better alternative or ? Thanks Larry
Read Answer Asked by Larry on May 23, 2024
Q: Hi,
I’m trying to help my friend organize her investments. She has minimal understanding of investments securities and had to move her pension to LIRA and RRSP 15 years and told Canada Life mutual funds that she was conservative profile. Fast forward 15 years her mutual funds have made her minimal money with back ended fees. The funds range in MERS from 1.6% to 2.5%. In looking at her holdings the portfolio make up is approximately
Fixed income - 22%, Balanced income %11, Cnd equity 62%, resources/specialty -2%. Retirement is still 10-15 years away. (Her husband has a pension)What ETF’s would match this asset mix to help get her started independently and move away from the high fees? I was thinking VBAL … But it is conservative. Any suggestions would be great to provide choice on where to invest her money. Please take as many credits as you want.
Thanks so much!
Read Answer Asked by KERRI on May 23, 2024