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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi 5i
I'd like to add to a small TFSA investment, which today is 100% in
I will add funds so that 25% will be in and the other 75% would be spilt between 2 to 3 of these: ZMMK, VFV, ZSP, ZDI, XIU. Timeline is 2 to 3 years and thinking to be more conservative because already have VGRO for growth.
What would be your ranking highest to lowest. Are there other ETF's that I should consider?
Read Answer Asked by George on October 16, 2024
Q: Greetings. Seeking a TSX traded in Cdn dollars ETF non-hedged that holds as a majority of its portfolio US equities the likes of AMZN AVGO MSFT PALO ALTO NETFLIX GOOG META NVDA or most of them and similars since wishing to sell a variety of these types of equities currently held as hedged CDRs in a registered account. Methinks the CDN dollar is destined for a fall at some point so wishing to remove CDR hedging. Please comment if this doesn't agree with your view aside from the difficulty in predicting currency moves. Thank you for any suggestions.
Read Answer Asked by Ken on October 06, 2024
Q: For a CAD denominated S&P500 ETF would you prefer VFV or ZSP and why? In response to similar questions in the past it seems sometimes you suggest VFV, other times ZSP. I’m assuming that for all practical purposes they’re basically interchangeable with little to differentiate one from the other and that either would be fine. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Bruce on October 02, 2024
Q: I have a incorporated small business with some excess cash. I am taking out a small amount every year but the bulk will not be needed in the next ten years. No new cash will be added. I was thinking of investing half in EIT.UN and half in ZSP, but both are near all time highs. I would also be fine holding a handful of individual stocks. Would you have some suggestions? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Kim on October 01, 2024
Q: what etfs do you currently like the most right now from a standpoint of mers, how market is priced right now. Also can you tell me being new to etfs can you buy a stock etf that has u.s. stocks in canadian dollars and if yes what is your favourite.
Read Answer Asked by hans on September 26, 2024
Q: hi 5i,
what are you top picks for non-Canada core ETF's for long term hold/accumulation? im looking for US markets, European, Asia, and India. I like very liquid entities, and a dividend is fine. If possible, can you include both hedged/unhedged to $CDN. I notice that most of the unhedged versions of the ETF's have higher annual returns-do you recommend hedging or no hedging for the $CDN?
thanks, Chris
Read Answer Asked by chris on September 12, 2024
Q: Can you give me your best choice for a new position to add to an RESP that has a long runway (12 years) can be a Canadian traded stock or ETF or a CDR. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by David on September 12, 2024
Q: I am presently over invested inthe Technology Sector in the following,
IYW has 90% in Tech - own 150 shares
QQQ has 52% in Tech - own 25 shares
ZSP has 32% in Tech - own 480 shares
XWD has 26% in Tech - own 300 shares
VXC has 26% in Tech - own 200 shares
What is the best way to sell (all or part of) the above to reduce this category to 7% as suggested by your Potfolio Tracker?
Thanks for your great service.
Read Answer Asked by Terry on September 05, 2024
Q: I'm looking to set up an annuity type of investment for my retirement using XUS or an equal weight CDN Hedged EFT that tracks the S&P 500. Can you provide some options and their historical annual dividend payments.
Read Answer Asked by stephen on June 27, 2024
Q: My niece is looking to enter the DIY investing world and move her TFSA over to an online self-directed account. Her advisor has her in these high fee accounts above. These look like funds for a retired person looking for income rather than for a 29 year looking to grow a TFSA with the goal to hopefully get a down payment for a condo some day. Could you please give some advice for a beginner investor, ETF's some Canadian and US equities to get her started. She's a bit nervous as all ne DIY investors are. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Nancy on June 25, 2024
Q: If using your balanced portfolio as my canadian content for an equity portfolio could you please recommend some equity etfs for ex canadian content and what % would be canadian of the total portfolio? I was thinking 40% and 60% outside canada

Read Answer Asked by blake on June 06, 2024
Q: a sunlife life insurance policy was purchased for grandchildren as an investment for them on the advice of a financial planner- I am embarrassed to say so far $9000 in annual premiums has been paid, with 11 more remaining before the policy is paid in full. If I cancel this policy it will be a loss. However; the dollars which would have gone to sunlife could be used for a better investment. Your suggestions would be welcomed. Thank you- (P.S.- I submitted this ? a moment ago-but my screen went black so I don't no if the ? was sent the first time)
Read Answer Asked by jane on May 29, 2024
Q: Need to increase U.S. and Internation equity exposures in my RRSP. Current exposures are mainly from VBAL (25% weight of RRSP) and a small position in XLU, ZWU and XGD. I am considering adding SPY for U.S. equities. What do you think about this option, and what would be a good entry point? Also, what would be a good addition to increase international equity (ETF or stocks)? Knowing that you cannot provide personal answers I appreciate very much your comments. Much Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Hali on May 24, 2024
Q: Presumably ZSP and ZSP.U are identical except for the currency. Does ZSP.U also pay its distributions in USD? I currently own ZSP. Do you if it is possible to directly convert ZSP to ZSP.U or do I have to through the process of selling ZSP, converting the cash to USD and then buying in ZSP.U using USD? Thanks as always. Your service is great.
Read Answer Asked by Andre on May 10, 2024