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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi,
I read with interest your latest Market Update. I am curious, given your interest rate and market analysis, does the Russell 2000's performance (e.g., IWO) this year indicate anything to you about the possible future direction of markets and the economy? Thanks, Michael
Read Answer Asked by Michael on June 14, 2024
Q: Hello,
The announcement today of Topicus's CEO taking on additional roles have any longer term impact? Also, the shares are not moving much after the results. What is your overall view? You had recommended RSP as the symbol for equal weight ETF tracking 500 companies in US (to diversify from SPY which has lots of tech exposure). Is there a cdn equivalent for RSP. i cannot seem to find one. thanks very much
Read Answer Asked by umedali on May 09, 2024
Q: Hello - for my RIF- I have done well with VOO over the last year or so and am wondering if this is a good time to move to a different ETF such as RSP or IWP. My thinking is if the US economy does avoid a recession and the rally broadens, then maybe there will be more growth somewhere other than VOO. Your comments and suggestions please.
Thanks, al
Read Answer Asked by alex on April 02, 2024
Q: Hello Peter,
I know you have answered this about Topicus special dividend. I find it odd that in the early stages of the company's existence , it is paying out a special dividend. Could this be a sign that the company sees little appetite for acquiring companies and will focus on organic growth? What is a good etf that excludes the magnificent 7 , SPY minus magnificent 7.. Appreciate it and thanks for the service.
Read Answer Asked by umedali on March 11, 2024
Q: Thanks to Peter, Ryan and the 5i Team, my portfolio has recovered from the Tech Wreck of 2022. Much of this is due to my holdings in Nvidia and SMCI. I have been trimming some along the way up, but Nvidia is now over 12% and SMCI is over 6% of my portfolio. This time around, I'd like to hold on to my gains (unlike in 2022).

My questions are: What "sleep at night" ETF or stock might you suggest to put some of my profits into (sector doesn't matter)? Also, what percentage of your holdings would you be comfortable with SMCI going to?

My pension covers my living expenses, so I am able to take a little more risk.


Read Answer Asked by Bradley on February 27, 2024
Q: With recent gain in tech sector, are you concerned with valuations getting stretched. Is there some kind of euphoria being building which draws some parallel to 2000 tech bubble. Like 20-30% jump on META, NVDA, SMCI, ARM. Is there a suggested to mitigate risk while maintaining decent exposure. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by RUPINDER on February 08, 2024
Q: Hi Guys

It seems during the last year that the Mag7 have really had their time in the sun. I am wondering if there might be some rotation out of these names. Wondering where you thought the best returns would be over the next few years in a S&P 500 type ETF:

1) XSP - iShares Core S&P 500 Index ETF
2) An Equal Weight S&P 500 Index like Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Index ETF, 3) or or something like the Vanguard Dividend Appreciation ETF.

What ETF would you think would do the best


Read Answer Asked by Stuart on January 29, 2024
Q: Hello 5i,

We have a full position in VGT and 1/2 position in BRK.B in an RRSP and NVDA, AMD, and Google in our TFSA's.

Do you see reduced growth in the VGT & BRK.B ETF's with AAPL downgrades and a possibility of consolidation of MSFT this year after stellar 2023 numbers?

Would you swap VGT or BRK.B to another ETF for 2024 or just let it ride?

Thank you for your advice

Read Answer Asked by Jerry on January 16, 2024
Q: Hello, Would you please provide your comments on EQL as a safety play (reduce MAG7 weight) to VFV? I hold a very oversized position between VFV & VOO and am looking for your recommendation for an equal weight in CA$. Could you also provide a US$ version that you would recommend?
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Randy on January 09, 2024
Q: I am considering making an investment in this ETF. I understand that it basically follows the returns of the S & P 500 and is equally weighted. Any information you may have on this ETF would be appreciated. Do you consider it a good investment. I look forward to your timely comments. Thank You.
Read Answer Asked by Brian on January 08, 2024
Q: I know you don't believe in timing the market but after the last few years i've ended up with a fair bit of cash on sidelines, yielding around 5%.
Post pivot i'm now thinking about when/how to deploy. Assuming interest rates have peaked and we start seeing cuts in 2024 i expect cash yields to start decreasing as well.
So if you wanted to "broadly" deploy your cash reserves throughout 2024 how would you proceed? Thinking some mix of SPY, RSP, EMV (much smaller allocation) as I have retained most of my high convinction Canadian stocks.
Dollar Cost Average monthly or quarterly
Wait for next broad pullback, we know it's coming just not sure when. Can still get a nice cash yield while waiting.
Read Answer Asked by Rob on December 18, 2023
Q: The U.S. is growing much faster than Canada. Canada’s much slower economic growth relative to the U.S. seems to be related namely mortgage debt, Given this situation, can you suggest 1) Individual U.S. stocks for capital gain 2) Individual U.S. stocks that pay dividends, and 3) U.S. ETFs? Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Ronnie on December 14, 2023
Q: I am looking for a good large cap USD ETF for my RRSP. I am 68 years old and would like a stable ETF with a lower P/E and OK dividend, hence considering RSP:US rather than the S&P 500 with a high P/E. Overall want an ETF with a good total return over 5 years.
I am considering the above 3 ETFs or perhaps you know of something better.
Read Answer Asked by Grant on December 08, 2023