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Q: Currently this fund makes up approximately 21% of my portfolio and is my only diversified holding. It at 7.6% yield makes up 40% of my monthly income and pension makes up balance.The 1.05% and of course a good % of yield is roc. Would you suggest any better alternative or ? Thanks Larry
Read Answer Asked by Larry on May 23, 2024
Q: Hi,
I’m trying to help my friend organize her investments. She has minimal understanding of investments securities and had to move her pension to LIRA and RRSP 15 years and told Canada Life mutual funds that she was conservative profile. Fast forward 15 years her mutual funds have made her minimal money with back ended fees. The funds range in MERS from 1.6% to 2.5%. In looking at her holdings the portfolio make up is approximately
Fixed income - 22%, Balanced income %11, Cnd equity 62%, resources/specialty -2%. Retirement is still 10-15 years away. (Her husband has a pension)What ETF’s would match this asset mix to help get her started independently and move away from the high fees? I was thinking VBAL … But it is conservative. Any suggestions would be great to provide choice on where to invest her money. Please take as many credits as you want.
Thanks so much!
Read Answer Asked by KERRI on May 23, 2024
Q: As an older investor, I am considering a gradual move from mostly individual stocks to a fully ETF portfolio. My thinking is to allow management simplicity for my wife in the event of my death or disability. Seeking dividends predominately but also a representation of growth. Can you please suggest an array (portfolio) of ETFs that I could begin migrating towards? As always, your advice is appreciated. thank you
Read Answer Asked by alex on May 08, 2024
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