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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Are there any other U.S dollar denominated comparable ETFs? I would be interested in holding a modest position in such a vehiicle, but am concerned about the tax consequences relative to, say, VIG. The newness of this issue is of less concern given th reputation of RBC. Thanks to the team. Bill
Read Answer Asked by Bill on October 17, 2024
Q: Good Morning,

Please advise your top 5 covered call ETFs with associated yields, brief descriptions and a degree of growth potential.

Thanks very much.
Read Answer Asked by Dave on September 16, 2024
Q: Good morning,

What an amazing job done here. My son is enrolled in a private school starting this year.

I'd like to tailor my non-registered to an income account to cover his monthly payments with capital preservation in mind.

I am comfortable with any and all options including covered call.

Rough metrics for this are 120k. Yielding 6% and greater.

Thank you very much.
Read Answer Asked by Jay on July 08, 2024
Q: Hi Peter,
For my RRIF, I want to invest in covered calls ETFs that generate high income with some growth potential for long term hold. Given the current market with possible near term interest rate cut, please share your top four Canadian listed covered call ETFs and top four US listed, with their respective current yield. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Willie on May 16, 2024
Q: On march 28 question ,I was interested by the topics and by your answer,that seems to consider the 3 ETF in the same category :"HMAX would fit in this category as it does employ a covered call strategy targetting Canadian financials and primarily the 'Big 5' banks. Some covered call ETFs we like are QYLD and XYLD. We also think Hamilton ETFs line of covered call ETFs is solid, although some are very new and small which we would watch out for. ". Personnaly I did not choose QYLD and XYLD since I don't consider them in the same category as HMAX and others ETF as BMO ETF etc.. QYLD exerts options on 100% of its portfolio,wich limits upside and could lead to a significant long term downtrend; this is not the case for HMAX whose options are on 50% of its portfolio and consequently it keeps some upside potential.Is my comprehension OK or Do I miss something?
Read Answer Asked by Jean-Yves on April 02, 2024
Q: I understand that TGED and TUED ETF's use both Call and Put option strategies to produce income. One is a global ETF and the other is a US stock ETF both available on the CDN exchange. Can you help suggest some ETF's available on the US exchange that use both Call and Put option strategies targeting the World and US stock markets. thanks
Read Answer Asked by Ian on February 28, 2024
Q: Can you recommend some high paying US stocks or ETF's to hold in my Rif account. Please include some that distribute monthly payments if possible. I am mostly interested in income, not capital gains seeing most of my US investments are down. Thanks, James
Read Answer Asked by JAMES on July 05, 2023
Q: I'm interested in investing in several ETFs that use the covered call strategy to protect from downside pressure on their prices. I'm attracted to the high monthly distributions that some of them pay. Understanding there are disadvantage to this strategy if the market. turns up, please suggest 4 or 5 ETFs that you believe have a good chance of holding their value or increasing it while maintaining their distributions going forward.
Read Answer Asked by Les on May 17, 2023
Q: Good morning 5i, I am looking to add some covered call ETF’s to my holdings. Which covered call ETF’s would you recommend in the sectors of industrials, tech, consumer discretionary and energy. Which would you recommend reflecting the S&P 500.
Thank you in advance
Read Answer Asked by Dan on April 06, 2023
Q: Hi

We still have 500 shares of GSY in our RRSP accounts

Thinking of selling and buying BAC. Both are beaten up. However I am thinking BAC
has a better chance of recovering in a shorter time frame with less government interference.

Your comments or other suggestions in the US are most welcome.


Thank you


Read Answer Asked by Mike on April 03, 2023
Q: I hold XYLD and CIC, they are the only covered call ETFs I hold and I am new to them. Is there a way to track or find charts on their total yield? I seem to only find charts of their change in NAV which make them look like dogs, while they return 13% and 8% The other question I have about them is , why are they not drip eligible?
Read Answer Asked by Richard on March 22, 2023
Q: Hi

Is it time to lighten up on the following and look at growth stock..

In our RRSP we have

LIFE at 5% of the RRSP (still not underwater)
XYLD at 9% of the RRSP
ZWU at 5% of the RRSP

Like the dividend but two holdings are are dropping in valve.

Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Mike on February 22, 2023
Q: Hi, can you suggest a few ETF'S and covered call ETF'S to put in a self directed RRIF, providing income and some growth. I know you're not keen on giving specific portfolio construction, IE, everyones circumstances are different, I would really appreciate just a few ideas for core holdings.
Thank's James
Read Answer Asked by James on January 09, 2023
Q: Hello, I'm recently retired. I am seeking income generating vehicles for my various, registered plans (RRSP, LIRA, TFSA) to invest in. I'm considering an investment in ZWU. I'm wondering if there might be a similar, utilities based, covered call, ETF available for the American market?

Lastly, if any of these ETFs might also be available without the covered call overlay and if you believe that those versions of the ETFs might provide better, mid-term probability of a greater Total Return; I'd be interested in your opinion, as well.

Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Richard on November 29, 2022
Q: I have all three in my RRSP account. QYLD and XYLD weren't good performers this year and, to add to the misery, they reduced distributions lately. JEPI was performing much better and they kept their distributions virtually unchanged. When we get market recovery, do you expect JEPI to outperform QYLD and XYLD or QYLD and XYLD are likely to outperform JEPI as they dropped more this year? I am considering selling QYLD and XYLD and buying more JEPI. Thoughts?
Read Answer Asked by Michael on October 31, 2022
Q: I’d like to start a position in one or more income funds that offer a very high yield, but I’m not sure which ones to choose. As of Wednesday Oct 5th, these are the indicated yields I’ve found:

CLM 23.92%
PDBC 20.65%
SDIV 15.31%
QYLD 14.19%
RYLD 14.05%
XYLD 13.05%
BIGZ 11.01%
JEPI 10.94%
PDO 10.90%
PDI 10.79%
BXMT 10.38%
MPW 10.17%
STWD 9.84%
EIT.UN 9.42%
IDV 8.15%

Would you recommend any of these or do you have other suggestions? Are any of them too risky if the bear market deteriorates from here, or can they all be held long term? Are some of these yields too good to be true, like CLM and PDBC? Thanks for your thoughts.

Read Answer Asked by Brian on October 11, 2022