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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi team,

Could you suggest a growth portfolio of EFTs for a TFSA, with an indication as to the degree of risk for each ?

Is it a good idea to have a TFSA all in ETFs ? Or what kind of mix (ETFs and stocks) would you suggest ?


Jacques IDS
Read Answer Asked by Jacques on July 25, 2024
Q: Hi Group can you make me a list of 10 best (sleep at night)ETFs (one for each sector) c/w 5 year dividend % . I want to buy them and forget about trading or sell foe the next 10 yrs. Can be US or Cad ...Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Terence on March 27, 2024
Q: Hello 5i,
I need to increase my U.S. exposure in 1) healthcare 2) consumer discretionary and 3) consumer staples.
Can you please recommend 2 stocks and 1 ETF for each of these sectors for a 3-5yr hold.
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Trevor on February 08, 2024
Q: I am interested in the Canadian MoneySaver Model ETF portfolio. I can replace the SPY & VGT ETFs with CDN ETF’s that hold those two US indexs. Is there a CDN ETF that holds the iShares Russell 2000 Growth (IWO) & a CDN ETF that holds the Consumer Discretionary Select Sector SPDR (XLY)? Thanks. … Cal
Read Answer Asked by cal on February 05, 2024
Q: Which sector will perform the best in 2024 ? Based on this answer , which fund should be purchased among the ones mentioned (or a fund representing another sector not mentioned in my question) ?
Read Answer Asked by georges on January 19, 2024

RB advisers recommend the following 4 themes for 2024 and as a value investor I am looking for ETF recommendations:
(1) US small caps: I am using XSU (100% IWM)
(2) US cyclicals: I found IYC but P/E is 27! Recommendation?
(3) Non-US and emerging markets: I have been using XEF and ZEM. I like XEM (100% EEM) because it posts a P/E each day.
(4) Theme 4 is "Industrials: deglobalization spurs infrastructure". No idea what ETFs to use here.
Thanks for your recommendations/comments!!!
Read Answer Asked by Grant on December 21, 2023
Q: I'm heavily weighted, the Qs / semis, can you name some alternatives to balance my portfolio please?

Read Answer Asked by Mark on June 13, 2023
Q: Good morning 5i, I am looking to add some covered call ETF’s to my holdings. Which covered call ETF’s would you recommend in the sectors of industrials, tech, consumer discretionary and energy. Which would you recommend reflecting the S&P 500.
Thank you in advance
Read Answer Asked by Dan on April 06, 2023
Q: If you were to consider 5 sector ETFs based on current price and future prospects, what would they be?

Please recommend your favourite ETF for each on the TSX unless it's only available in USD.

Would the beaten down USA sector (eg. XUU) be part of your thinking?

Read Answer Asked by Kevin on January 31, 2023
Q: Apparently, there are 11 major sectors in the S&P (Global Industry Classification Standard). Could you please list one ETF to best represent EACH major sector of the S&P? For example, would IUIT best represent the entire Info Tech sector of the S&P? It seems the SPDR funds are much more specific than the 11 GICS sectors:
Information Technology
Health Care
Consumer Discretionary
Communication Services
Consumer Staples
Real Estate

Thank you very much.
Read Answer Asked by Toge on January 19, 2023
Q: Will you please give your opinion of undervalued stocks in the industrial and consumer discretionary sectors (with good dividends). Also, related ETF's would be appreciated. Thank you for your great service.
Read Answer Asked by Donna on January 17, 2023
Q: Dear 5i team.
Given the current market backdrop, if one was to take 100K and build an ETF portfolio for min 10 year timeframe, which sectors would you be comfortable buying into before year end and which ETFs would you choose to accomplish this.

Thanks for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Arthur on November 18, 2022
Q: My only consumer discretionary security is Aritzia (thank you) so I have been looking at VCR and XLY etfs. The top 10 holdings of XLY is 70% of the fund and top 10 holdings 56% of VCR. Do you have a preference? I don't have a problem with the large percentage of AMZN in either.
Read Answer Asked by J on February 23, 2022
Q: I have about $100K to invest in the US stock market to bring my portfolio closer to my intended US weighting, and I am looking for some US stock/ETF ideas.

My portfolio is already 25% Technology, and 16.5% Financials. So I don't need suggestions from those sectors. I was considering more VFV, but that has 25% Technology in it already, so maybe an ETF to complement that.

Can you suggest some US stocks that are not in the Technology or Financial sector that you would consider for a US style model portfolio. And also some ETFs holding US stocks that are light in Technology and Financials.

Read Answer Asked by Paul on October 26, 2021
Q: Hi,
Can you please recommend some companies/Etf to provide consumer cyclical and consumer defensive exposure to US?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Gurdeep on September 23, 2021
Q: Please kindly suggest a reasonably priced EFTs and stocks in a consumer cyclical and consumer defensive categories for an portfolio. Possibly with a reasonable dividends if such exists.
Read Answer Asked by Miroslaw on August 31, 2021
Q: what value / cyclical suggestions do you have ETF wise?

Would one play a DOW ETF or the Russell?
or Canadian ETFs ?

Read Answer Asked by Mark on June 01, 2021
Q: Hi,

What do you think of US energy stocks for the next two years? Is it too late to get in?

If not, which would you recommend?
Read Answer Asked by Graeme on May 04, 2021
Q: How would you suggest getting exposure to consumer discretionary/staples?

Could you please give a good ETF for each sector and a couple good names?

Looking for broad exposure (not just Canada)
Read Answer Asked by Max on April 29, 2021