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Q: Portfolio analytics indicates that I need to increase my weightings in industrials. It also provides a link to a very informative article indicating that many industrial names are traded in the US. Can you recommend a US ETF - preferably one that can be can be purchased in CAD?
Read Answer Asked by Mary on June 21, 2024
Q: My question yesterday did not seem to go through as it did not show up in "My Questions".
In reading your newsletter "What Investments to hold in your TFSA or RRIF" - I hold the above 4 ETF's in my TFSA and was wondering if they should be in this account?
I interpret your information as they should not be in an TFSA.
Read Answer Asked by Terry on November 23, 2023
Q: I have the above ETF's in my TFSA and am wondering if these belong in a TFSA? On reading your newsletter "Investments to hold in your TFSA" , I interpreted this to mean they do not belong in the TFSA. Am I right?
Thanks for your response.
Read Answer Asked by Terry on November 23, 2023
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