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5i Recent Questions
Q: Hi team,

Could you suggest a growth portfolio of EFTs for a TFSA, with an indication as to the degree of risk for each ?

Is it a good idea to have a TFSA all in ETFs ? Or what kind of mix (ETFs and stocks) would you suggest ?


Jacques IDS
Read Answer Asked by Jacques on July 25, 2024
Q: Is there an ETF that provides equal weight coverage of the TSX similar to what EQL does for the S&P 500?
I would like to increase my ETF holdings providing a broad coverage of the Cdn market vs individual stocks. I already have a heavy weighting in individual financial stocks and most TSX ETFs would simply further skew my overall balance.
Read Answer Asked by Bruce on April 23, 2024
Q: Please provide your comments on the risk for the above ETFs (low to high) and rank them for potential growth. Are there Canadian equivalents to the US ETFs? Would it be a good idea to purchase the US ETFs in a TFSA? Would these ETFs currently be considered to be a buy, hold or sell?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Don on January 04, 2024
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