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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: It is rare that I ask this question coming from an 84 year old senior, but all the above equal weighted ETF's are presently in my TFSA and can't decide how to invest for the 2025 contribution. Which ETF I should I be adding to the above list or should I be adding a new one that is not in the portfolio?
Also are any of those listed that do not belong in a TFSA?
Thanks for your usual great service.
Read Answer Asked by Terry on January 29, 2025
Q: Hello Peter,
I tried to balance growth and income as well as dividends (no with holding tax in RRSP for US stocks but there is in TFSA), and hence, can you let me know if these make sense for a mid 20s person starting off to have a more growth in TFSA and more income in RRSP.
TFSA: veqt, vgg, and xfn and maybe xic ( veqt has cdn exposure so thought i would exclude xic )
RRSP: vbal, zuq, xic, and xuu all of these trade on tsx. Much appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by umedali on January 21, 2025
Q: Can you share your top picks for Canadian and US ETF's that would cover the relevant sectors (e.g. tech, industrials etc.)? Please take as many credits to answer this as required.
Read Answer Asked by Patricia on November 11, 2024
Q: Hi group on my last question to you I asked for 2 stocks in US and Cad (financials+ I also asked for 2 financial ETFs stocks same sector- I did not get the US and Cad etf sugestions...can you please revisit the question. has you stock pics picks on the financial stocks changes as of todays sell off ?...appreciate your help
Read Answer Asked by Terence on November 01, 2024
Q: Retired dividend income investors. We prioritize asset allocation in all of our portfolio decisions. We plan on capturing some income tax savings by selling the remaining shares of my wife's BNS, thereby offsetting other capital gains. I need to replace these funds in the same financials.

She leans more on the conservative side. Combined, we already have a full position in RY and other financials contained within ZLB, CDZ, ZWC, as well as AD.UN.

In the current declining interest rate environment, does HMAX fit the bill? As interest rates decline, what impact will this have on the share price? Should I assume that the capital appreciation will be fairly minimal, while the dividend maintains roughly where it is now?

I appreciate your always.
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on September 16, 2024
Q: I've got 5 years left before retirement, and I want to slowly roll my RRSP from equities to etf's over the 5 years. This year I'd like to buy a few that will have growth over the coming 5 years, thinking of beaten-up sectors like telco's and banks - do you think they have a runway for a 5-year plus hold (also thinking they have a good dividend, jumping in now), and what which etf's would you suggest if you agree with these sectors, or in other sectors. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Kim on May 09, 2024
Q: Hi Group can you make me a list of 10 best (sleep at night)ETFs (one for each sector) c/w 5 year dividend % . I want to buy them and forget about trading or sell foe the next 10 yrs. Can be US or Cad ...Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Terence on March 27, 2024
Q: Hello 5i
I have read recently that several US analysts think that the Canadian market will do better than the US this year. T Rowe Price was the most recent one in the National Post, i think. Wondering what you think of this thesis. And if you believe it, how would you organize to profit from it? I imagine the thesis has a lot to do with resources with the possible re opening of China. Is there, for instance, a good etf? Or, what stocks would you choose to create your own etf substitute?
Thanks as always for your excellent advice
Read Answer Asked by joseph on February 06, 2023
Q: If you were to consider 5 sector ETFs based on current price and future prospects, what would they be?

Please recommend your favourite ETF for each on the TSX unless it's only available in USD.

Would the beaten down USA sector (eg. XUU) be part of your thinking?

Read Answer Asked by Kevin on January 31, 2023
Q: Hamilton ETFs recently launched a new ETF - HFIN. I currently own the ishares XFN which is similar, but much larger in size and unleveraged. For a long-term hold, do you think it would be a good switch, or would you leave it as is? (It is held in an RRSP account, so taxes are irrelevant).
Read Answer Asked by Craig on February 03, 2022
Q: Hello Peter,
For an RESP today and future contributions with focus on Canada and USA, I was thinking of allocating more monies to indexes such as xic and xsp and less to sectors such as xfn or zeb , and xit. What are your thoughts? Also, i noticed that xsp has not done as well as SPY. i am assuming it is do to currency. In an RESP, I would think xsp on toronto and SPY on NYSE, both have withholding taxes.. Please comment. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by umedali on January 20, 2022
Q: Hello Peter,
With rising rates, it seems that banks, commodities and industrials do well. Can you please suggest some etfs in Canada that would take advantage of those sectors? For the banks, i am thinking xfn and zeb but unsure of the others. Also, the US banks are taking small hits. Do you think canadian banks will follow suit or are they very different? Thanks very much.
Read Answer Asked by umedali on January 19, 2022