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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello Peter,
You had provided Tppicus expected numbers: 34 cents for EPS and $292M Euros. The company beat the revenue numbers but was short on EPS; however , Cash flow per share grew. Analysts in general seem to focus on Revenue and EPS; When looking at analysts estimates, i dont see CF per share mentioned. Why is that? If i had to choose between sunlife, manulife and Fairfax, which one would be your top pick? There was an article in the Globe that Fairfax has a huge runaway when comparing to Berkshire.. Any comments please. Thanks very much.
Read Answer Asked by umedali on May 02, 2024
Q: How the above insurance companies rank in comparison to one another for total return?
Read Answer Asked by Mike on March 25, 2024
Q: I'M in my retirement years and have accumulated about 28% in Financial sector, which is over what your Portfolio Analysis suggested (12%). Could u give me a ranking of 1 (least prefer) to 5 (most prefer) in terms of Price Growth and Dividend growth Take as many credits as you see fit. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by DAVID on March 19, 2024
Q: I’ve held TD for many years and the steady dividends are great but it’s sure been floundering as of late in terms of growth. The 50 per cent weighting in the states seems to have dragged it down with the money laundering questions not being adequately addressed. Might a switch to Manulife or Sun Life not be a prudent move at this time??
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on March 12, 2024
Q: Hi Folks,
I am finally breaking even with BNS. I am thinking of selling it and with the proceeds I will top up RY. That will leave me with RY and TD as my bank holdings with a 15% weighing. With the remaining monies I am thinking of adding one of SLF, MFC or BAM. May I have your opinion as to which one you would recommend. This will be for my RRSP account which is fairly diversified.
Read Answer Asked by JOHN on March 06, 2024
Q: Hello,

I own IAG and it recently missed earnings expectations by 5% and, as a consequence, the market reaction was brutally punitive. How can you compare IAG's overall financial strength to larger Canadian Insurers, say IFC and MFC, and are there overall reasons to worry apart from the market's bad quarter reaction ?
Read Answer Asked by Adel on February 22, 2024
Q: Please rank the above for a long term hold in a TSFA. Some comment on pluses and minuses for each would be welcome. Add any others that you feel are worth considering.
Read Answer Asked by Leonard on February 15, 2024
Q: Hi 5i
I have done well with all 3 of these but I am concerned that lower interest rates will cause them to pull back. Would you agree? According to G&M site, there isn't a lot more upside with avg. target prices about $31 MFC, $41 POW, AND $74 SLF. All 3 are close to 70 RSI which I use as a warning sign. I would appreciate your thoughts and if I were to sell one, which would you suggest? Now that MFC has finally gone above $28, do you think $30 will be an exit price for a lot of investors who are tired of the $24-$28 trading range?
Thanks, Greg
Read Answer Asked by Greg on February 01, 2024
Q: Hi Team,
could you rate these companies for a 3-5 years horizon considering I am looking for income and capital preservation but a bit of capital growth would also be good...

Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Michel on January 08, 2024