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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: This question is more about Portfolio Analytics.

Portfolio Analytics indicated I was slightly higher in energy than I should be. In reviewing the energy holdings, I was surprised that Nextracker Inc was considered as an Energy holding not a Tech.

Although my trading platform says it is a Tech stock, I suppose a case may be made for it being an Energy stock. I was hoping to understand your rational for it.

I have considered PDI as part of my Fixed Income portfolio. Is this wrong?
Read Answer Asked by J Stephen on July 12, 2024
Q: Hi 5i,
I'm looking for a FREE real time portfolio tracker. I'm using Watchlists on CIBC Investor's Edge, but that part of the site is so glitchy when adding/removing holdings that it's too frustrating to use.
Could I ask for your top 2 or 3 recommendations for an alternative free real time portfolio tracker? (I realize that I'm asking for something that I can use instead of 5i's Portfolio Analytics tracker and I hope you don't mind, but these days especially I'm trying to keep my costs down ...).
Thanks 5i!
Read Answer Asked by Peter on June 21, 2024
Q: Good morning 5i
I am using Berkshire as a kind of etf for the US market. The problem i have is that it is classified as in the Financial sector. It looks more like a conglomerate of businesses, though. And that is how it is listed on your asset allocation model. But, i feel that it skews my asset allocation in classifying it thus. First if all, should I try to change its asset allocation classification from just financial? And secondly, is there any easy way to do that on your portfolio tracking tool?
Thanks for the great service
Read Answer Asked by joseph on June 04, 2024
Q: Re your portfolio analytics tool - I am pretty sure you may not agree with my portfolio….all Canadian dividend payers - financials, pipelines, utilities, telcos etc…you will think I have too much in financials. I live off the dividends without need to touch the capital (other than for some tax planning). I know most investment managers would advise that I should diversify a lot more, but I am comfortable with the composition. With this portfolio in mind and my comfort level, what benefit will your portfolio analytic tool offer me if you accept that I don’t want to hear that I should diversify? I’m trying to figure out if I should upgrade and what benefit I may enjoy. Thanks. Feel free to make this question either private or public.
Read Answer Asked by Mark on May 31, 2024
Q: Hi I am following up to your response about my recent question relating to chosen positions for Sector allocations and your response:
Our data is pulled from a third party, which uses the same classifications as the TSX. There are two general sector classification systems. These are reviewed on an occasional basis, but we do think AQN and BEPC are very 'utility like' and could be re-classified as utilities.

As a longtime paying PA subscriber is it not important enough that some one at 5ii vet this information on behalf of your members - choosing the positions to reflect the correct RECOMMENDED sector allocation is quite important it not ? Confusing your Utilities and Energy positions would be a huge problem for your Income Focused Investors whom are not sophisticated enough to question this discrepancy or time consuming for more technical investors whom have to have a footnote to reallocate correctly and not be able to refer to the PA analysis ?
pls advise
Read Answer Asked by Brant on May 02, 2024
Q: During the weekend and overnight, I notice the value of my portfolio often fluxuates. Just curious: does this reflect aftermarket trading and/or currency fluxuations? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on April 29, 2024
Q: I just sign up for portfolio analytics! A quick question — why is it important for 5i to understand the cost base of securities held?
Read Answer Asked by Mike on April 10, 2024
Q: This service sounds very interesting, is there somewhere to go and learn more? The big question I have, can you link say your Questrade accounts so things are automatically input, and updated, or do you have to manually input your holdings?
Read Answer Asked by Steven on August 17, 2023
Q: I am looking to balance my portfolio by sector and global geography by recommended asset mix based for my circumstances. Can I scan all 5i reports and answered questions by sector? Is the best method to see geographic allocation for a given selection of stocks within a sector to create a portfolio (of only the selected stocks in a sector) and then run 'Portfolio Tracking and Analytics'? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Glenn on August 14, 2023
Q: I am working with my son (age under 50) to help him put together a stock portfolio. Considering that the US and Canadian markets have significantly different sector weightings what would you recommend for reasonable diversification in a growth weighted portfolio? I thought you had dealt with this type of question a number of times before but haven't found previous responses.
Thanks, Hugh
Read Answer Asked by Hugh on July 31, 2023
Q: As a subscriber for 5i membership how can I get benefit of the above?.
Read Answer Asked by Nizar on February 13, 2023
Q: Today Harry asked
“Can you please recommend a web site or an app (free or on a paid subscription basis) for managing stocks”
I would suggest Harry to consider 5i Portfolio Analytics. I’ve been using this from it’s inception and am very satisfied.
Read Answer Asked by Les on February 09, 2023
Q: Quick question - Is the Sector Mix or the target percentage for each of the 11 sectors more or less based on the S&P 500?.....Tom
Read Answer Asked by Tom on September 06, 2022
Q: Good morning 5i
Your portfolio tracker tells me that i have too many funds. I hold stocks as well as the funds. Some, like iwc and iwo are in smaller proportions. I guess I became a bit too enthusiastic and i am wondering whether you could make some suggestion as to how best to rationalize these. They are: RSP
thanks for your excellent service
Read Answer Asked by joseph on August 10, 2022
Q: Hi.
What would be the highest percentage of (Suggested portfolio return expectation) in the summary page for a portfolio in your portfolio analytics. For example my is 4.6% if I change to dividend payers that exceed this value would the number go up? If I change to momentum stocks would the number go up? More stocks less fixed income? Just curious.
Read Answer Asked by Jeremy on June 10, 2022
Q: For your "Portfolio $ total yield" in summary statistics, I assume that it includes both the dollar amount of dividends and income that the portfolio throws off?
Read Answer Asked by Steven on May 11, 2022