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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am a retired investor and am concerned of the current state of the Markets in Canada and US.
While we go back and forth on tariffs one thing is becoming clear, the next four years will be filled with uncertainty and disruption. I am hopeful that common sense will prevail and we can move forward in a positive and productive manner, but who knows!!

Given the uncertainty around the current markets and another deadline in 30 days, is there sectors that you would avoid right now or lighten up on? How should investors prepare for this period of uncertainty?

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Timothy on February 06, 2025
Q: Could you please provide the names of the companies in 5i Portfolios, which could see a meaningful impact on their business, in order of Major to Moderate, if the Tariffs on import of goods/oil from Canada, as announced by the US administration, starting Tuesday, continue for at least 3-6 months.

Please exclude the names which are least or not effected.

Thank You
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on February 03, 2025
Q: As a recently returned member I know you do not generally like to time the market. Situation is, my portfolio is in the hands of an advisor. I've simply not spent as much as I withdraw monthly and now have a reasonably significant amount of cash in my chequing account. Thinking of investing through RBC Direct or Wealth Simple but using my decisions based on your site for direction.
Question is...leaving the money in the account I'm not loosing anything except through inflation. I don't mind waiting given all the noise and Headlines from Trump. Am I at undo risk jumping in now? Do I wait to see what happens? Do I start to trickle in?
Thank you, Dave
Read Answer Asked by David on January 29, 2025
Q: Dear 5i Team!

I am sure like many millions you have been watching Presidet Trump's inagural address. Especially given the fact that the US market is closed toay because of MLK day!
Any takeaways from investment/trading points of view?

Canadian market is open and I see Oil has barely moved. (post Trump speech) Gold is down but to an alrming extent. CAD is slightly up! I am not sure if this is because the US markets are closed or because of "moderate" tone in Trump's speech. I didn't hear China or Iran ONCE! Neither did he bring his desire for the 51st state!

Anyway feel free to share your musings.
Read Answer Asked by Savalai on January 21, 2025
Q: Let us say we have 2 companies, one called "ABC" and one called "ABC Dividend" which pays 4% over the year. At the end of the year, the dividend one would be down because of the dividend it paid for the previous 12 month period but you would have the dividend money.

ABC at the end of the year would be higher because it did not drop because it did not pay a dividend.

To me, I see that a dividend really does not benefit you. Why do people want dividend stocks so much when the example I used shows there is no benefit? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on January 21, 2025
Q: How significant is foreign buying/selling of Canadian stocks, in terms of the effect it has on share prices? I can't help but think that the current Canadian political situation, and weak dollar, is causing a lot of foreign money to stay away. I'm wondering if a more stable and business-friendly government, if/when the PC's get elected, would cause a significant influx of foreign investment into Canadian stocks. Do you think such a scenario would improve the performance of Canadian stocks?
Read Answer Asked by Dan on January 17, 2025