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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi group what's you top pick in the top 6 sectors.( In order of preference with some dialog on each pick). Is it time to go all in verses averaging down. Days like yesterday should shake loose so supers buys?

Also can you comment on risk (i am 74 yrs old) along with a few stocks or elf suggestions in Bitcoin / digital in general
Read Answer Asked by Terence on July 26, 2024
Q: I’m reviewing your report on GLXY and am somewhat confused with the ownership structure.
I am trying to understand this relationship and have a few questions.

GLXY only significant asset is 33.7% ownership in GDH.LP.

Am I correct that an investment in GLXY is an indirect but full investment in GDH.LP?

If GLXY only asset is the investment in GDH.LP why would GLXY have 440 employees worldwide?

Who are the other significant owners of GDH.LP?

Does GDH.LP trade on a market or is it private?

Based on your recommendation I did take a position on GLXY and I have done very well with it. And thank you in this regard.

I am now deciding if I should trim or hold and understanding this company structure will help me in my decision.

Thanks John

Read Answer Asked by John on July 17, 2024
Q: Hello Team,

I was wondering if you could rank the attached 12 companies from 1 - 12. I have some money to deploy in my cash account and already own all 12 in my TFSA/RRSP. Will be a 3 year hold.

No worries on size, risk or industry, looking for best returns only.

Read Answer Asked by Kevin on July 15, 2024
Q: hi folks, significance of partnership for Galaxy Digital glxy/t with State Street bank & trust....stock traded up 5% ahead of news (when Bitcoin was near $60k)...and continued upward momentum today....would you be a buyer at C$17sh level, and what do you think is the trend for bitcoin....seems to be drifting lower from highs of $70k+...thanks as always, jb
Read Answer Asked by John on June 27, 2024
Q: Good morning 5i team,

In a press release, Galaxy announced that its affiliate, Galaxy Asset Management, ("GAM"), reported preliminary assets under management of $6.2 billion as of May 31, 2024. The 9.8% increase in preliminary AUM compared to the prior month was primarily driven by market appreciation partially offset by the continued successful liquidation of assets associated with an ongoing opportunistic mandate. Can you please shed some light on " continued successful liquidation of assets associated with an ongoing opportunistic mandate". How does this 'oppertunistic mandate help/hurt GLXY, if at all.

Thanks as always

Read Answer Asked by David on June 21, 2024
Q: As you are well aware, Bitcoin has been taking off all over the world. When I watch interviews of people at conventions, it appears most are investing to protect against inflation and to counter the demise of the US dollar in the future. What are you're opinions on this? I realize it has been very volatile and risky, so do have any recommendations on technology linked to Bitcoin, but so far hasn't taken off?


Read Answer Asked by Paul on June 20, 2024
Q: Hi guys,

I hold these stocks GLXY, DOO, GUD, LSPD, NPI, SHOP and TVE, if it was your portfolio would you keep them?


Read Answer Asked by jim on June 11, 2024
Q: I am trying to determine the economic dynamics of bitcoin, specifically mining. Today’s G&M article on bitcoin states that with the halving and its the resultant effect , and the cap of 21 million coins , the rewards for mining will become smaller eventually approaching zero. Am I correct in this ? If miners get no reward then someday they will cease to mine. What would replace this I wonder. Economics 101 would show that a cap on anything skews the economic model and creates opportunities. I know GLXY does much more than mining . Still trying to figure this whole thing out. Thanks. Derek
Read Answer Asked by Derek on April 22, 2024
Q: Over the last couple of months and as a result of comments made here I have started positions in the above five companies with funds allocated to higher growth potential/higher potential volatility etc.

Four of the five have done very well so thank you. In keeping with your philosophy of pulling the weeds and watering the flowers I have a couple of questions:

1) Would you sell ESTC at this point in time and realocate the funds to one of the four flowers or to a "new" high reward potential investment you would suggest?

2) The ESTC issue aside, would you be adding to any of these flowers at this point in time and in which order?

Thanks for guidance over these last number of years,

Read Answer Asked by Terry on April 08, 2024