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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Question on RESP - thinking of selling BNS and replacing with GSY and PRL 50/50 also thinking of adding some WELL and VHI for long term holds any suggestions
Read Answer Asked by James on July 09, 2024
Q: What are 5-6 stocks 5i would pick that are Canadian, profitable, and less than $1 billion market cap for the higher risk/growth part of a portfolio, to hold for the long term?
Read Answer Asked by Jeff on July 02, 2024
Q: There has been lots of good discussion about these 6 stocks on your forums section over the last year BDT, DRX, GSY, HPS.A, PRL, VHI. All have been big winners. Do you think they are still promising investments at current prices?
Read Answer Asked by Dan on June 07, 2024
Q: All of the above companies have now reported thier respective quarterly results in the last two weeks and their respective prices adjusted accordingly.

I appreciate that all have been suggested by 5i in response to numerous and varied questions. Based on your overall assessment, the recent results and forecasts and their respective pricing as of todays date, would you be able to rank them for acquisition together with a brief comment please.


Read Answer Asked by Terry on May 13, 2024
Q: Can you provide your top 5 growth stock picks over the next 6-12 months and provide commentary on why each is worthy to make the list. Appreciate getting separate Canadian and US lists.
Read Answer Asked on May 07, 2024
Q: hi 5i, these stocks are in my cash account , I need to sale 2 or 3 of them to raise some cash. I'm happy with all of them. but unfortunately have to sale. I'm thinking I could let go SMCI (since I have NVDA), VHI, and META. Or trim a bit of each. Your opinion please! thanks
Read Answer Asked by Fernando on May 01, 2024
Q: Hello, I’ve noticed that Propel Holdings Inc. (PRL:CA) is not included in the list of the 10 Canadian Small Cap Companies - Special Report. Is there a reason? Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Gervais on April 25, 2024
Q: Good evening,

I currently own VMD, VHI, LLY, and WELL. I'm considering a consolidation down to three of the four stocks. For a five-year hold, how might you rank these in terms of overall growth potential and risk? Thanks, Brad
Read Answer Asked by Bradley on April 24, 2024
Q: Hello, Would you have 4 top picks in either of these sectors (industrials, consumer staples, consumer discretionary or health care). I am looking for large caps trading on the TSX with good long term potential. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Pierre on April 23, 2024
Q: Hi,
I have been currently holding these for awhile and have done well on them, other than maybe WELL, which has been lagging a bit lately. Here are my allocations: WELL (1.7%), SLF (2%), GSY (3.5%) and NVDA (3.8%).

Recently in the last few months, I trimmed some NVDA and bought some VRT (1%) and SMCI (1%). For a growth investor, how would you rank these 3 stocks going forward? Would you continue to trim and buy these smaller cap higher growth names. With the run that they've had, I've been a little more cautious of a slowdown.

Also with these other names I'm holding, I'm contemplating trimming or completely switching to higher growth and better quality names with better runway for growth. What are your thoughts? Trim, add or switch? For example, does it make sense to trim a 3.0% position into two names that are only 1.5%? I'm against diworsification. Thank you!

1. WELL to VHI
2. SLF to IFC
3. GSY to PRL
Read Answer Asked by Keith on April 18, 2024
Q: Hello 5i Team,
I hold these companies between two TFSAs and have room for two more, small cap, Canadian growth companies. What might you suggest. Sector consideration not an issue although I do recognize the importance of diversification.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Steve on April 12, 2024
Q: Everyone, I have been watching the above growth stocks since late last year. I usually have one or two high growth quality stocks that will add to the average returns of my portfolio. My last purchase of a high growth stock was LMN, which I purchased last September, with an average price of $20.50. The ones I am watching now have risen significantly and I am hesitant to buy into them since they might decline 50%. So should I buy a small portion of each to maybe a 10% holding of my overall portfolio? Or should I wait till……..
Read Answer Asked by Clayton on April 11, 2024
Q: Hi 5i,
I've owned WELL since the fall of 2020, have bought and sold along the way and I'm now left with a few thousand shares and a net loss of 24% in the name. To some extent due to optimistic forecasts from 5i I've thought that enough of a turnaround might be just around the corner to at least get back to even, and perhaps even make some money - but the longer nothing changes the more my optimism wanes. So, a few questions:
A fella on BNN the other day had VHI as a top pick. Are it and WELL competitors and do their respective addressable markets portend growth?,
If you had to choose one over the other now for a 3 year TFSA hold, which would you go with for some CDN healthcare exposure, and why?
Is there another name that you would choose over both of them?
Thanks 5i, I look forward to your thoughts.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on April 01, 2024