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5i Recent Questions
Q: Hi,
Need to rebalance and am seeking etf and stock ideas.
Looking to:
1)Decrease canadian financials (currently hold BNS, BN, GSY, IFC, MFC, PRL, RY, TD)
2)Increase US consumer discretionary
3)Increase US real estate
4)Increase US utilities

1)What order might YOU sell the stocks in #1 above?
2)Please provide 2 stock and 1 ETF pick you believe have decent long-term prospects for each of:
a)US consumer discretionary
b)US real estate
c)US utilities

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Trevor on October 18, 2024
Q: For my 6yr old daughter's RESP I hold 50% in XBAL and ~12.5% in the 4 securities listed. When I make my next contribution I am looking to add another position.

Given a 10 year timeframe before the funds are needed what are some names that you would consider to complement the existing holdings?
Read Answer Asked by Jeffrey on October 18, 2024
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