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5i Recent Questions
Q: Hello 5i
TD Canada Trust has a net operating cash flow of -31,114,000 $. Its free cash flow is -33,078.000 $. The total dividends paid is 8,298,000 $. The total liability is 1,844,917,000$. Are we in trouble? I would tend to keep it if dividends hold, otherwise look for something else. I also have BNS and it seems to be recovering as is TD. As you keep advising, best policy is do nothing. Does this still hold for these? I have a ten year + time frame and am a value investor at 76 years young and do not now need ready cash.
Read Answer Asked by STANLEY on July 15, 2024
Q: I am contemplating to sell the LSPD (1.1%, -63%), MG (1.2%, -43%), TD (0.3%, -15%) and BCE (0.2%, -57%) from my portfolio and deploying the proceeds elsewhere. Please rate and recommend the selling preference order. Thank you very much. Bill.
Read Answer Asked by Bill on July 16, 2024
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