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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I hold the above positions in approx equal weights in a non-registered account from which I need to raise some cash for a home project. If you were to sell entire positions, in what order would you proceed, first to be sold through to tenth (ie which positions do you see as having the most potential yet to be realized and would be later in your sell order)? Alternatively, are there some positions you would sell outright while trimming as needed from others, and if so, which ones would be sells - again in what order - and which would be trims? Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Bruce on July 05, 2024
Q: Hi 5i, I have the following stocks (NVDA CSU LMN HPS.A BN XDIV RY CNQ JPM BRK.B VDY ENB) equally distributed in my rrsp, these stocks are generating 75% of my dividend-income goal. What changes would you suggest to get the last 25% , I do not mind selling my gold-stocks (the first 3) , but I would prefer to keep them. Hope it makes sense. Thank you 5i.
Read Answer Asked by Fernando on June 18, 2024
Q: Everyone. If you were 30 years old today, what ten stocks (Canada or US) would you buy? Clayton
Read Answer Asked by Clayton on June 17, 2024
Q: Are any of the other large Canadian Banks similarly exposed to investigation/prosecution in the U.S. for the same activity that TD was convicted? Also, can to tell me what % of each banks total business revenue comes from U.S. sources?
Read Answer Asked by Will on June 14, 2024
Q: The most recent question I found on USB was August last year. What is your current opinion on USB? Can you compare it to Visa for total possible return over a 5 year period? I presently hold no US financials.
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Harvey on June 07, 2024
Q: Hi 5I. My largest holding is TD and I am going to reduce it by a third. Reasons are mainly concerns of future US growth because of the money-laundering stain. The potential fine is not as concerning as being shunned by investors resulting in stunted growth in the US. With the proceeds I was thinking of adding to my RY holding and taking a position in IFC. Or should I be looking at another big 6 such as NA or ...? Thanks in advance.

Read Answer Asked by Carl on May 30, 2024
Q: Hello,

What are your recommendations for Canadian banks for a TFSA with a 15+ year horizon?
Read Answer Asked by Luc on May 22, 2024
Q: Hello Peter and team

To complement my all ETFs portfolio : VEQT 40%, QQQ 10%, VGT 10%, MOAT 10%, I intend to add 6 of the above 7 stocks for 5% each.
Does it make sense, please feel free to substitute and suggest other stocks and explain why.
This is for a 10 years hold with minimum or no trading in this account.
Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Raoul on May 16, 2024
Q: Hi, We own RY/CM/GS- 12% , IFC - 2.75% and PRL -1% among Financials. In addition, we bought EQB - 1% position at $85, based on strong analyst commentary, a month ago. We need some cash to raise and were wondering if it is necessary to own EQB or with about 15% weight through above holdings, we can let the EQB go.

Thank You
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on May 15, 2024
Q: Hello Team,

The Canadian banking sector has been fairly muted for a while now, notwithstanding higher rates which have been beneficial in boosting interest income. And, soon, rates are expected to decrease. Is that going to hurt their earnings or help due to an overall smaller delinquency in loan repayments? If it will help, from a choice of buying and holding some of the smaller Canadian on-line only banks or the traditional ones, say for the next five years, which would you recommend?
Read Answer Asked by Adel on March 28, 2024
Q: In comparing total returns of the respective banks from Pre-Covid and then from Mar 16 2020 to present why does 5i continually endorse BNS - is it simply the DY ?
Read Answer Asked by Brant on March 25, 2024
Q: I'M in my retirement years and have accumulated about 28% in Financial sector, which is over what your Portfolio Analysis suggested (12%). Could u give me a ranking of 1 (least prefer) to 5 (most prefer) in terms of Price Growth and Dividend growth Take as many credits as you see fit. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by DAVID on March 19, 2024
Q: Hi, looking at the financial sector. I have TD and IFC and looking to add another. The options I am looking at is another Canadian bank that benefits from US exposure (RY), a US bank (JPM) or ETF of banks (ZBK), or diversifying away from North America to a major UK (LYG) or European (ING) bank. My objective is downside safety paired with dividend income and some growth. I realize global stocks aren't your focus, but would appreciate any thoughts you might have on relative merits of these stocks.
Read Answer Asked by Benjamin on March 13, 2024
Q: Can you please provide your thoughts on the stocks listed for a RESP that will start to draw down in 4 years? In addition to these positions the portfolio has a good core position in CDN, US and INTL large cap ETFs. Any that you would get rid of now? If so, please provide alternatives (both Cdn and US).
Read Answer Asked by Chris on March 04, 2024