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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Are any of the other large Canadian Banks similarly exposed to investigation/prosecution in the U.S. for the same activity that TD was convicted? Also, can to tell me what % of each banks total business revenue comes from U.S. sources?
Read Answer Asked by Will on June 14, 2024
Q: Hello,

What are your recommendations for Canadian banks for a TFSA with a 15+ year horizon?
Read Answer Asked by Luc on May 22, 2024
Q: Hi, We own RY/CM/GS- 12% , IFC - 2.75% and PRL -1% among Financials. In addition, we bought EQB - 1% position at $85, based on strong analyst commentary, a month ago. We need some cash to raise and were wondering if it is necessary to own EQB or with about 15% weight through above holdings, we can let the EQB go.

Thank You
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on May 15, 2024
Q: Good Evening,

I bought some shares of CM a couple months ago as part of a buy and hold strategy to receive the dividends (expecting the stock price to trade flat or decline) and was surprised to find the stock up 25%. Do you think I should realize the capital gain, hold hoping for a bigger capital gain down the road (couple months maybe) or maintain my original strategy of holding for the dividends? If the recommendation is to sell do you have any recommendations of safe dividend paying stocks to put the money into?

Thank you very much.
Read Answer Asked by A on April 01, 2024
Q: In comparing total returns of the respective banks from Pre-Covid and then from Mar 16 2020 to present why does 5i continually endorse BNS - is it simply the DY ?
Read Answer Asked by Brant on March 25, 2024
Q: Thoughts on the Canadian Banking sector and specifically CIBC. Seems like the banks are fairly 'flexible' in what they choose to include in there Adjusted Earnings.

Generally Loan Loss provisions have increased? That would seem to suggest they seem storm clouds on the horizon -Mortgage debt renewal pulling money out of the economy is obvious headwind. Were they bailed out by strong capital markets?
Read Answer Asked by Steve on March 05, 2024
Q: The US commercial property crisis has become hot topic again and the share price of New York Community Bancorp decline a lot . Please comment on the impact on these banks. Thanks a lot.
Read Answer Asked by Lai Kuen on February 02, 2024
Q: Hi 5i,
I'm hoping you can give me some advice respecting my grandson's RESP.
I've just drawn out $6300 for his winter semester, and accessed that cash by selling the last of the BCE i had held in the RESP.
The next draw out will be in September, for the same amount ($6300) and there is presently $4300 in cash in the account.
The present holdings are ENB, CM and POW in roughly equal proportions. Between now and September the dividend payments will yield enough cash - when added to the cash presently in the account - to cover the $6300 I'll need to draw out in September, so if I do nothing the cash needed for my grandson's fall semester will be sitting in the account when that time rolls around.
However, I don't like letting the $4300 presently sitting in cash in the RESP just languish there until that cash is needed in September and would like to put it to work until I need the cash in approximately 9 months' time.
Based on the above, can you offer your suggestions about what best to do with that relatively small amount of cash for 9 months? Put it into any or all of ENB, CM and POW to take out when necessary? Or is there something else you might recommend?
Thank you 5i!
Read Answer Asked by Peter on January 11, 2024
Q: I bought them all last April and the draw down got as low as 15%--they have all made a comeback now except BNS still down 8%----Do you think this resurgence is sustainable and a good time to add to my holdings?
Read Answer Asked by peter on December 15, 2023
Q: I seem to recall one of the "Market Masters" saying the time to load up on Financials is after they have been crushed. I know you don't necessarily like the expression "load up" but if you wanted to increase your Cdn bank exposure are there one or two you think stand out as having the biggest bounce potential from here, or would you forget about trying to be right on one or two securities and just buy the ETF if you believe the whole sector might recover from these levels? Thanks for your thoughts.
Read Answer Asked by Stephen R. on December 01, 2023
Q: I own the companies in question in an unregistered investment account. To offset some capital gains I was thinking of divesting myself of some of these investments. Please rate them in order of disposition in your opinion. I am a retired investor who believes in companies with a history of dividends. Additionally, can you suggest 3 potential investment replacements, thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Tim on November 17, 2023
Q: Hi, We have above banks with some losses in our portfolio and overall large capital gains already booked, from other stocks. In absence of any other Tax Loss candidates, Would you be fine selling Canadian Banks to book a Capital Loss, for 2023 and buy back after 30 days ? If so, would it be prudent to initiate the Sell, now and buy back after results, Or, sell after results and Buy back in January, 2024 ? Thank You
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on November 13, 2023
Q: Apparently BMO, CIBC and TD currently have negative amortization mortgages approaching 20%. Do you have comparatives for BNS and RY ? Apparently there is one Canadian bank that is very conservative at less than 6%.
Read Answer Asked by James on October 06, 2023
Q: I have a loss in CM which is matched by an equal gain in TD.
Was thinking to sell both and buying equal amounts of BNS and RY.
All are in a non registered account. Is the tax loss accepted?
Would you recommend any changes back after 30 days?
Read Answer Asked by Peter on October 03, 2023
Q: Hi 5i,
I've just started following EQB with an eye to getting in.
In the past week all 5 major banks are nicely up (even CM!) as is NA.
Conversely, EQB has had a sharp drop followed by a bit of a bounce, but is down overall.
I realize a week is not long and typically not a period of time from which to draw conclusions. However, the opposite direction of WQB's trajectory to other banks has me confused.
Can you explain why its trajectory over the past week would be so markedly different from other, bigger, names in the sector. Is it a sign of some fundamental weakness that isn't well publicized, is it just one of those short term things that defy explanation, is it due to a difference in its business model that is seen as a weakness, is it size related and is it typical for it to go in the opposite direction than most other names in the sector?
I'd sure like to have better insight into EQB, given its behaviour over the past brief while.
Thanks 5i,
Read Answer Asked by Peter on September 18, 2023
Q: These are my wife's holdings in her non-registered account. Held these for very long time. EMP.A I bought for her maybe 5 years ago when down a lot. Sitting on a fair bit of cash. Thinking of adding to banks at some point (recession?) or adding BCE and EIF? T is small holding at 2000 shs. Comments/suggestions please. Oh, own ETF ZUE for quite a while also. RRSP has other banks +++
Read Answer Asked by James on August 29, 2023