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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: i hold a number of these small cap names. I do not hold CLS or TVK. At current pricing what order would you add to these names, what names do you think are very attractively priced right now?

Read Answer Asked by Timothy on July 26, 2024
Q: There have been increasingly persistent reports of provisions for consumer loan default by the banking industry; PRL is in the business. I doubt PRL earnings for the quarter just past - statement due shortly – will be affected but it might affect their outlook for the coming quarter(s). I think GSY found a way to deal with the issue although it had a very significant run down in ‘21/’22 and wondered if it was related and what PRL had or could do to address the issue and what you could bring to the table on that score. I look forward to your reply. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Mike on July 23, 2024
Q: Hi, hold enough EIF that I want to divest and diversify. Looking for high growth over the next 4-5 years, but not as interested in dividends. I also hold a fair bit of CSU and gsy, so am thinking along those lines. What would be a good ranking for the following at today's prices (best to worst), and are there another couple additions you'd suggest? Big thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Petra on July 23, 2024
Q: Hi Team,
I was looking at adding to either Bn, PRL , Eqb, or HPS.A. Or possibly a new purchase of Lulu for a recovery play here . Could you please rank these names in order which you would prefer to buy today for long term capital appreciation? If you feel there are better opportunities you prefer buying today ideas would be appreciated . Thanks

Read Answer Asked by Shane on July 23, 2024
Q: Hi Group i am light on small caps what is the best way to play it or would you just wait?. If you like a better way than Russell growth/value please advise.

Also light on healthcare /financials/ industrials could you give me you top 2 picks (stock or ETF) in each of these sectors c/w short note on why you like them

Thanks for your help
Read Answer Asked by Terence on July 22, 2024
Q: From a pure growth perspective - what are five or six companies that excite you most right now?
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on July 17, 2024
Q: Please rate the following stocks to purchase for a long term hold. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Ben on July 16, 2024
Q: Hello,
I thought given the news about Goeasy's ceo change (uncertainty) would have moved some investors to propel holdings.. Also, what is holding the stock back? The market is moving higher today but propel is hardly moving... also, any news on Topicus.. The stock is at a standstill with few trades taking it higher than it dips again.. is it becoming a trading stock
Read Answer Asked by umedali on July 15, 2024
Q: Hello Team,

I was wondering if you could rank the attached 12 companies from 1 - 12. I have some money to deploy in my cash account and already own all 12 in my TFSA/RRSP. Will be a 3 year hold.

No worries on size, risk or industry, looking for best returns only.

Read Answer Asked by Kevin on July 15, 2024
Q: Paul asked today if PRL's dividend has been increasing in proportion to its income increases, or are they increasing the payout ratio. In your answer, you mentioned the dividend is up by 30% compared to last year at this time, but you didn't compare this to the income increase. PRL had an 84% income increase in 2023 compared to 2022, and in Q1 of 2024, the income was up 77%, so in fact they have been DECREASING the payout ratio, as the income has been increasing at a much faster rate than the dividend.
Read Answer Asked by Dan on July 11, 2024
Q: Question on RESP - thinking of selling BNS and replacing with GSY and PRL 50/50 also thinking of adding some WELL and VHI for long term holds any suggestions
Read Answer Asked by James on July 09, 2024
Q: What are 5-6 stocks 5i would pick that are Canadian, profitable, and less than $1 billion market cap for the higher risk/growth part of a portfolio, to hold for the long term?
Read Answer Asked by Jeff on July 02, 2024