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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi team;
Any reason for the weakness in Canadian names today ? Namely the mentioned names for example, especially Gsy? Gsy down 10% in 2 days seems a bit drastic. Is there concern here or a bit the dip opportunity?

Thanks ,
Read Answer Asked by Shane on October 22, 2024
Q: Hi,
Need to rebalance and am seeking etf and stock ideas.
Looking to:
1)Decrease canadian financials (currently hold BNS, BN, GSY, IFC, MFC, PRL, RY, TD)
2)Increase US consumer discretionary
3)Increase US real estate
4)Increase US utilities

1)What order might YOU sell the stocks in #1 above?
2)Please provide 2 stock and 1 ETF pick you believe have decent long-term prospects for each of:
a)US consumer discretionary
b)US real estate
c)US utilities

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Trevor on October 18, 2024
Q: Greetings 5i team,
I hold these seven companies in my TFSA in roughly equal amounts. I would like to add WELL to my TFSA. Would it be wise to shave a bit from all of the companies listed in order to do so?
Or, do you see a better solution to achieve this (ie. SELL one / two of the other positions in favour of WELL)?
Thank you as always.
Read Answer Asked by Steve on October 17, 2024
Q: Simply Wall Street has GSY undervalued by 49.4% with earnings forecast to grow by 17.09% per year. Whereas they have PRL overvalued by 54.4% with earnings forecast to grow by 38.3% per year. They also have GLXY at 78.9% undervalued and earnings forecast to grow by 14.66% per year ......First question. Do you concur with these numbers ? Second question. Which one do you prefer and why ? Also please rank from first choice to third choice ......Thanks for your terrific service Garth ......
Read Answer Asked by Garth on October 08, 2024
Q: Just a comment. Quite some time ago GSY was trading around $90 and issued a huge number of shares significantly under 90. The deal sold out plus the over allotment. The market price dropped of course on high volume. I realized that the firm buying the shares were fully expecting that the value of GSY hence the share price would go well beyond $90.
I apply the same thoughts to PRL
Read Answer Asked by Clarence on September 30, 2024
Q: Hello, from your growth portfolio, what would be your current ranking in order of purchase please?
Read Answer Asked by Liliane on September 30, 2024
Q: Hi Team,
Prior to the CEO departure announcement in early July GSY was in a nice uptrend. Since then the stock has struggled gaining any ground; even though last earnings were record as usual and outlook looks fantastic. Do you see the CEO leaving and lack of replacement thus far as the main overhang in the stock performance recently? Any rumors swirling about who might be available to take the job?
Read Answer Asked by Shane on September 26, 2024
Q: Hi 5i team,

What would be your current 5 best (highest conviction) buys in each of the following categories please.
1. small cap
2. mid cap
Hold target is 3-10 years or longer.
I prefer these categories as they seem to have the most torque (in the right environment) albeit also the most risk.

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on September 25, 2024
Q: With the markets at all time highs, are there certain stocks you think people can scoop up or add to that have good growth opportunities at a reasonable price? I know 5i is not usually worried about buying companies at 52 week highs, but it is still something difficult for me!
Read Answer Asked by Mike on September 24, 2024
Q: I own both Propel and Goeasy. Goeasy I've owned for quite some time, Propel I have been adding to slowly for the last 4 months. I would like to continue to own both. Would you balance the two out by selling some Goeasy to equal out the value of the two? If not, what sort of ratio would you suggest.
Read Answer Asked by Ric on September 24, 2024
Q: Holding the following Financial sector stocks: BAM, BN, BNS, GSY, PRL, SLF, TD, X for a total of 20% in TFSA & RIF combined. Would like to reduce # of holdings to 5 or 6 and Financial % to about 15% . Your comments/suggestions/alternatives on the following setup would be appreciated:
TFSA = BN, GSY (or BN, PRL or BN, PRL, GSY??)
As always, thank you for helping to provide clarity.
Read Answer Asked by Alexandra on September 13, 2024
Q: Hi,
After carefully curating the Q&A over a period of time and posting questions, I put together these companies as my own personal 5i Small cap fund!
As of today this is where I stand:

GSY negative 8%;
LMN negative 11%;

HPS.A Positive 1.5%;
PAY Positive 7%;
PRL Positive 1.5%
TOI Positive 5.3%.

On the whole in terms of raw numbers, it is still positive.

For the new monies, would you add to these positions or suggest another small cap equity.
IF you were to add to these existing positions, in which order would you add.
I am a patient guy and willing to wait for a while. I was with you holding Knight Therapeutics for a long time! (Negative)
Also with you in energy sector (Positive) So, I know how this goes.

Thanks for all your answers.
Read Answer Asked by Savalai on September 07, 2024
Q: Good afternoon. GSY is struggling a bit lately but so is the rest of the market. I read an article that said GSY has high debt levels that are not well covered by cash flow. This got me wondering why does GSY have high debt levels and where does it get its money to lend? If they borrow to raise money to lend and rates drop could they not get into a squeeze where the margin between money they loan out and loans they have to reply narrows?
Read Answer Asked by Ken on September 07, 2024
Q: It seems possible that interest rates will be higher for longer, triggering flat or recessionary economy. How would you assess prospects for these 3 fintechs in this environment. Are there any that are vulnerable?
Read Answer Asked by John on September 05, 2024
Q: Can you rank in order the top 10 small caps that you feel have the most potential over the next 6 months and provide a quick statement on why each is included?
Read Answer Asked on September 04, 2024