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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Please rate the following stocks to purchase for a long term hold. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Ben on July 16, 2024
Q: If you were an income investor moving into retirement and depending on this as part of your retirement income; what stocks or ETF's would you be buying right now in this current environment? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Pat on July 10, 2024
Q: My wife and I hold a blend of mainly dividend paying blue chip Canadian stocks (examples shown) in a diversified equity/fixed income portfolio. PE ratios on some of our dividend payers seem enticing to add to. As retirees with a reasonably conservative approach, what sectors does 5i feel have the best opportunity for P/E margin expansion over the next several years, assuming no 'abnormal' (whatever that is) market volatility and some moderation of interest rates? Consistent with the margin expansion theme, would 5i suggest we add to our existing dividend payers, or to more growth-oriented names like BN group?
Read Answer Asked by Edward on July 10, 2024
Q: I read an article in the paper today about something called the "Stable Dividend Portfolio". Basically it proposed that an investor select and hold the best dividend paying companies in Canada throughout the entire year. (Not buy in May and Go Away". Nor move back and forth from an emphasis on bonds to one on stocks. My questions are:
1. Have you heard of such a strategy and if so, do you agree with it?
2. What 12 Canadian companies would you select for such a portfolio?
Read Answer Asked by Les on July 04, 2024
Q: Looking to strictly optimize growth over next 3-5 years. Please rank potential of these favourites from current valuations: TIH, URI, ULTA, BKNG, UBER, ESTC, ASPN, FLUT, CROX, TRI, TFII

Read Answer Asked by John on July 03, 2024
Q: I have a TFSA account, and would like to add more for investment. I am very happy the current performance and would like to look for those well sleep Canadian’s stock. Any suggestion?
Read Answer Asked by ma on July 02, 2024
Q: Portfolio analyzer says I need more industrials. I already have a 3-4% position in CNR. What other names in industrial would you suggest and their price points for entry please? can be both US and CA.
Read Answer Asked by Anh on June 27, 2024
Q: Do you thing Small/Mid cap companies will do well in next 2 to 3 years?

What are your top 5 Canadian and US names in this space that you would buy today?

Read Answer Asked by Timothy on June 26, 2024
Q: Hi 5i,

Thanks as always for your incredible insight on all things investments. My questions revolve around Dividends.

I am new to the world of Dividends and to date I only own one Dividend paying stock (ATD); and would like to add several others as a means to diversify my investment portfolio. Hopefully I am not too late to the game. I am 50 and looking for long term investment.

I have taken a look at your Income Growth portfolio but if I am being honest, I don't know where to start. Knowing you cannot personalize recommendations - hoping you can at least offer solid guidance.

Can you please share you favorite 5-10 (CA or US) and rank starting with the best. Would appreciate dividend stocks which offer diversification across sectors if possible. Any best practices you could offer in this area (TFSA vs RRSP vs LIRA etc.); I would be most grateful for as well. Thank you in advance!
Read Answer Asked by Julie on June 06, 2024
Q: Which stock would have the most growth going forward- HPS.A, STN,TIH,TVK? Please rank them.

Thanks for your service
Read Answer Asked by Ozzie on June 03, 2024
Q: What would be your top 5 picks for Cdn dividend paying companies that have a safe and growing dividend? No financials please. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by John on May 21, 2024
Q: Have some cash available to add to one or 2 of the following: CLS, DOL, DOO, GIB.A, IFC, QSR, STN, TIH. For a purchase at the current price, please rank from 1 through 8, for total return over the next 3 - 5 years. I believe you are pretty positive about each of these companies. No concerns about sector allocation.
Read Answer Asked by Dan on April 13, 2024
Q: Given a 3-5 year period, please list the above stocks from best to least for growth.

Thank you.

Read Answer Asked by Howard on March 18, 2024
Q: From reading your recent answers, you like these 4 companies (CNR, CP, TFII and TIH). Would you please rank these 4 companies for growth and rank them again for dividend growth. Which two companies would be your favorite for a combination of growth and dividends for a 5+ year hold? If you can give a brief explanation for the reason(s) over the other 2 companies? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Karen on March 05, 2024
Q: Please provide me with your 5 of your best Industrial companies and Tech companies
Read Answer Asked by Donna on March 05, 2024
Q: Hi Peter & 5i,
Q1 - CSU and VGT values have caused my TECH sector allocation to be overweight. Knowing you can't personalize weightings and keeping in mind the theory of letting your winners run. Would you see a trim of CSU and VGT and putting those proceeds into GSY as good switch for future growth? Or would I be just shuffling future growth from one sector to another?
Q2 - In showdown of TIH and EIF which one would you recommend for overall future returns? Do you have concerns about the debt levels of EIF versus the EBITDA? No such concerns with TIH.
Thanks always for your great insight and advice.
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on February 26, 2024