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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have only ENB in energy stocks and am looking to add a basket of stocks with at least a 5% dividend, but also looking for capital appreciation. With the dividend, I don't mind waiting for the appreciation. Do you see any red flags with any of these, and how would you make up a 5% position? Would you sub any other energy stock with a 5%+ dividend?
Read Answer Asked by Kim on October 04, 2024
Q: I'm looking at PEY and FRU for dividend income, and possibly a little appreciation. Their recent price doesn't seem to be too effected by gas/oil prices going down -or are they perhaps offset by interest rates going down at the same time? Could you compare these; do you have a preference? How high a risk are they? What is a good entry point for both? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Pat on September 18, 2024
Q: I own all three of these companies and I am doing quite well with all three. I am up 20% on BIR, 10% on PEY and way up on TOU as I bought it in the $5.00 range back in the depths of the oil and gas collapse. TOU represents 6% of my portfolio while PEY and BIR are about 1% each. I LOVE my dividends…….do I continue to hold all three or consolidate into TOU? After TOU’s takeover of CR, is one or both of BIR and PEY next?
Read Answer Asked by Donald on August 21, 2024
Q: Hi there, may I please have your thoughts on PEY results?

What companies are you finding interesting right now, after their 2Q results?

Any companies unjustifiably being punished, with their shares being sold off currently, that you believe is not justified and will have a good bounce within the next six months or so? ie; seems like WELL results are being misunderstood...hmm

Read Answer Asked by Hussein on August 21, 2024
Q: Hi gang,
Looking into buying energy stocks. Can you please recommend 3 oil stocks, 3 gas stocks and 3 mix oil and gas 50/50.
Thanks. Alnoor
Read Answer Asked by Alnoor on April 11, 2024
Q: What are your top 5 Canadian natural gas stocks in order of how you would buy based on total return expected in 2024? Would you buy all five at this time? If not, which would you buy?
Read Answer Asked by David on April 09, 2024
Q: On Jan. 22 you wrote, "The 12-month payout ratio is 28%, and PEY is in good financial shape." On Feb. 14 you wrote, "BUT...its nine-month 2023 payout ratio was 101%. Its balance sheet is OK."

I am confused by these seemingly contradictory statements. Can you please clarify regarding the payout ratio and the health of the balance sheet?

It seems as if I am a bit of a sucker for high yields and have been burned by Birchcliff in 2023 (though still a holder), and do not want to suffer the same fate with my recent purchase of Peyto.

Thank you as always for your expertise.
Read Answer Asked by Richard on February 15, 2024
Q: I own these energy stocks and some are on the plus side and others are on the losing side. I've been waiting for quite some time for the Chinese economy to take off, but it seems to go nowhere ? I would like to trim some of my holdings. Please place them in order of what you would keep down to some you would let go. Maybe you could code them as 10 being the best and 1 as being the worst. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Frank on January 30, 2024
Q: Would you be able to provide information on which companies are expected to benefit the most from exporting their natural gas through the west coast LNG? What is the expected timing for this benefit to show up in their financial results?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on January 10, 2024
Q: I hold both Peyto and Arc Res. I feel it would be prudent to only hold one of these. Peyto yields 10.2% vs. Arc at 3.3%, Pey more oil, Arc primarily gas, PE ratios are nearly identical at 6.8. LTD levels are similar considering the size of the companies.
I also hold PXT which I could sell and invest the money in these 2 names. Any thoughts? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by lance on January 08, 2024
Q: What are your thoughts on BIR? It has lagged for the year and more so over
the past month. The dividend is in question, I recall $70 oil and $3 gas covers it. Is there any rationale to it being in question?

The other news I see is a new CEO coming in Jan, any thoughts on this?

Would you buy in here or would it be safe to wait for tax loss selling later in the year?
Read Answer Asked by Robert on October 11, 2023