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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi guys,

I hold these stocks GLXY, DOO, GUD, LSPD, NPI, SHOP and TVE, if it was your portfolio would you keep them?


Read Answer Asked by jim on June 11, 2024
Q: Dear 5i team.

Debating which utilities are still good value, now that there has been a bit of a bounce over the past few months.
I'm considering cpx vs npi, but happy to hear if you think other names have more in the tank as these two seemed to have recovered in lock step.

Many thanks for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Arthur on May 28, 2024
Q: Hi,
NPI stock is down almost 10% today on the following news "NPI announced a CEO transition, with CEO Mike Crawley stepping down and chair of the board of directors John Brace moving into the role of interim CEO."

It seems that some investors are not happy with that move... Since it is supposed to be a "transition move" I do not understand the market reaction that seems exagerated...

First question: Am I missing something?

Second question: With what we know now at what price would you feel that NPI is a real bargain?

Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Michel on March 25, 2024
Q: I have 7000$ to allocate into my TFSA which of these companies would be your favourite and which would be your least favourite, please rate them out of 10(1 meaning least favourite and 10 being most favourite). Lastly at what entry price would you be a buyer of these companies? Please indicate an entry price for each company.

Thanks guys
Read Answer Asked by Ma on February 26, 2024
Q: Sir. In the spirit of weeding the garden, I find myself well down in these stocks…with a time frame of 1 year , please comment on which to keep or toss how…. 5i had good things to say about many of these in the past, but we all know that times change quickly in this business…
Read Answer Asked by James on February 05, 2024
Q: hi,
I own these as a basket of these smaller renewable stocks ( I own other larger names including Brookfield renew. as well ). the share price of these is struggling. what are your current thoughts on the balance sheets, growth prospects etc. If possible could you rate as a buy, hold,sell, and flag any that are in significant financial difficulty. my feelings are to just hold them all, perhaps a few get takeover offers, and prices move up when rates go down?
cheers, chris
Read Answer Asked by chris on January 30, 2024
Q: Hi 5i,
Happy New Year!
Of the 5 Green Utility stocks listed, could you please list them in order of preference (best to worst) with a short explanation of 1) why and 2) the pros and cons for each stock at this time?

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Brian on January 03, 2024
Q: I held AQN in two separate accounts for over a year, I sold AQN in the account that had the largest position (80%) and I've hung on to AQN in the other account.

I thought of replacing AQN with NPI to maintain my sector exposure, I've yet to make that purchase.....why???? I've been side tracked with the idea of buying BEP.... Can you folks please wade in, would appreciate some of your thoughts and rationale.

Happy Holidays to the staff and readers
Read Answer Asked by jeff on December 20, 2023
Q: Considering a switch from PLC and/or CTS to TVK, and one of SIS or NPI for TSU. What are your general thoughts on either move - higher risk, higher reward?

Thanks in advance. - Jeff
Read Answer Asked by Jeff on December 05, 2023
Q: I have held NPI for sometime and am down almost 8%. I know you're not a big fan of the stock currently and prefer BEP, H or FTS. That said, 9 of 9 analysts are rating NPI as a Strong Buy. None of the others are rated as highly. What are you seeing that they do not?
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on November 27, 2023
Q: How would you rank these electricity producers for a 5 year hold, probably longer.

Please add what other companies are worth consideration

thank you
Read Answer Asked by JACK on November 24, 2023
Q: Another tax loss question. Currently down 19% on EIF and 11% on NPI in a non-registered account. (Interesting to note analysts are giving both 'strong buy' recommendations.) First, EIF. Would you sell, sell and repurchase, or stand pat? And if your recommendation is to sell and repurchase, would you repurchase before year end or wait 'til the new year? With regard to NPI, would you sell and repurchase? Stand pat? Or replace it with something like H? (BIP and BEP already held). The goal with both stocks is income with some growth. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on November 14, 2023
Q: Dear 5i team.

Of the badly beaten up Utilitiy stocks, please rank the top three from the worst five that have the best chance of significant bounce once interest rates peak or decline.
A couple reasons why for each would help as well.

Many thanks for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Arthur on November 13, 2023