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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am currently only hold MG in the consumer discretionary sector and need to increase my exposure to the sector. MCD, SBUX and LULU have all dropped over the last few quarters with worry of the US consumer pulling back their purse strings. What are your thoughts on those three and what Canadian stock in the consumer discretionary sector interests you today? Long term buy and hold investor.
Read Answer Asked by eric on July 18, 2024
Q: I am contemplating to sell the LSPD (1.1%, -63%), MG (1.2%, -43%), TD (0.3%, -15%) and BCE (0.2%, -57%) from my portfolio and deploying the proceeds elsewhere. Please rate and recommend the selling preference order. Thank you very much. Bill.
Read Answer Asked by Bill on July 16, 2024
Q: Hi,
Is MG a buy? It looks like it has a reasonable valuation. Tailwinds? Headwinds?

I've been holding CIX for about a year now. Got in at about $20. Can we expect some upward movement given the share buybacks and the large economic context? it reasonable to expect this stock to get to 35 or so any time soon?

Yours kindly,
Read Answer Asked by D on July 15, 2024
Q: Good Morning,

I was thinking of buying the listed companies for a 6 month hold. What is your opinion on expected total returns. Your suggestions for better total return cdn stocks are welcome. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by David on July 15, 2024
Q: Hi,

Long time subscriber and was curious as to the weightings of these four stocks in the BP. ranging from 1.15% to 1.76%. Conventional wisdom is that as weightings get closer to 1%, any movement has less effect on the overall portfolio.

What does one look for to justify holding on to these smaller holdings? I have a long time frame, and I know three of the four are recent additions, with OTEX being increased once.

Just looking for my held to be held, I suppose.

Thanks in advance.
Read Answer Asked by Kelly on July 04, 2024
Q: Not happy with general mills right now and Magna. What do you think should I keep them or move on. If I decide to move on is there any decent dividend paying companies in there respective categories.

Read Answer Asked by Mark on June 28, 2024
Q: Hi
What are your favourite Canadian Stocks that pay US dividends? How do you feel about aqn? mg?
Read Answer Asked by Carlo on June 26, 2024
Q: Magma has been falling over the last year and your comments have not been positive recently. Wondering if you would suggest switching to LNR. Is there other names in manufacturing you like?
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on June 20, 2024
Q: Hi 5i!
Piggy backing off one of my last questions on building a solid portfolio from scratch through diversification et al(THANK YOU!). Knowing you can’t get personal; looking for some mid to long term hold recommendations (either US or CA) in the following sectors with growth upside in mind as I have significant cash (250K+) sitting in my RRSP doing nothing. I am currently quite top heavy in Tech – and own the above in registered and non-registered accounts.

If you have several recos for a sector, can you please rank in order of preference. Additionally, if there is a sector that can be put to the side with the idea of prioritizing others, I would be keen to know. Also open to add ETF's to represent a sector. As always, thanks a million. I love your service.

• Consumer Staples
• Healthcare
• Industrials
• Communications
• Energy
• Real Estate
• Utilities
• Materials
Read Answer Asked by Julie on June 17, 2024
Q: Could you provide your opinion of Magna vs Linamar?
Historically MG seemed in the lead and had a better dividend. Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine - their investments in Russia were blamed for non-performance.
Also, since then LNR seems to be doing substantially better signifying the sector is doing ok.

Has MG lost its MOJO, had its day and becoming a value trap? (all cash flow going towards dividends, taking on debt and eroding stock price).
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Delbert on June 13, 2024
Q: I am looking to add BKNG to my Consumer Cyclicals. Currently I have a ATZ, LULU, MG, LNF, DOO, and CROX.

Long term growth investor.

Would you suggest trimming across the board or are there any names you would swap if one wanted to high grade their portfolio.
Read Answer Asked by Stefan on June 05, 2024