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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: We are planning to set up a separate investment account for our grandkids. Assume a 10 year hold. There are a few sectors we would want to overweight - 3 stocks, CAD or US, in Financials, Industrials, Technology and 1-2 stocks in the others. What would you look for and how would that translate into individual stock selections.
Read Answer Asked by sam on October 10, 2024
Q: Just curious if there is a sector that dependably moves the opposite direction to Materials? Specifically I am thinking of Nutrien, and wondering if you can identify any companies that could be expected to move inversely to their Nutrien’s share price? Having ridden them up and back down, if I am going to keep owning the company I think I would intend to trade it in the future on the next upswing if I had an “anti-Nutrien” to switch into. Thanks for your thoughts.
Read Answer Asked by Stephen R. on September 26, 2024
Q: Hello Peter and Staff
I climbed the stairs with NTR and have taken the elevator down. Crop prices are cyclical but am also worried about the new supply coming on .

Would you hold or switch for one of FCX, TECK.B , AEM or SJ as my material stock

Thanks for all you do
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on September 22, 2024
Q: Good Morning. I need to trim my holdings portfolio down to a more manageable number. My portfolio is pretty well balanced. From the list of NTR,PBH, DIS,RCI.B, ADN,GE, FCX,WMB,GS,CVX, CAT,LYB and APO how would you rank them with 1 being the best and 5 the least favoured. Please take as many credits as you need. Thanks Peter
Read Answer Asked by Peter on September 05, 2024
Q: I would like to set up a concentrated balanced portfolio of 6 Canadian value and 6 growth companies. I'm looking for the very best companies Canada has to offer, currently. I realize you have a balanced portfolio but I'm looking for the companies that are poised to do the best in the current ecomonic environment. As always, thanks for your much appreciated advice.
Read Answer Asked by Les on September 04, 2024
Q: Do you think Nutrien's management has lost its way? It seems to be groping around for a strategy in South America, and is having a lot of top management turnover. Molson got badly burned in Brazil years ago because they didn't understand the Brazilian market; is the same thing happening to NTR?
Read Answer Asked by Jack on August 30, 2024
Q: Entrepreneur and author Tony Seba has an amazing record of correctly predicting various time frames for a number of disruptions. His prediction of what Robotaxis will potentially do to the auto industry is concerning enough.

My question though, is prediction on how Precision Fermentation will affect the food industry and agriculture. It sounds like by 2030, the dairy industry will essentially be bust followed by meat and egg production in the mid 2030's - if I understand this correctly. My concern is my investment in Nutrien, should this occur. This isn't really all that far into the future.

Also, not sure if 5i has an opinion on Tony Seba's views of the future in general, but I was wondering if investing in an ETF with Precision Fermentation content is a suitable investment. I came across EATV which has a "smallish" portion in this sector, but has a relatively high expense ratio and light volume. Your thoughts ?
Read Answer Asked by James on August 23, 2024
Q: you recently answered a question on august 13 about higher / better / safer quality dividend stocks with yields in the 3-5 % range (vs going after yields over 6 %).

What would you consider to be the top 10 of this 3-5 % yield higher quality dividend stock category?
Read Answer Asked by Ernest on August 19, 2024
Q: TD Web Broker shows Nutrien as trading below book value. The technical chart doesn't look very encouraging, but I see a couple of insiders have bought recently.

With a little investigation there seem to be a couple of hundred Canadian stocks trading at or below book value. Most of them don't look to be neatly as big or as strong financially as Nutrien. Do you see any gems I might have overlooked?
Read Answer Asked by Dave on August 15, 2024
Q: hi 5i,
NTR,T,MG? I own these blue chip laggards. can you recommend them as BUY,HOLD, or SELL please. If any are a sell, could you suggest a few replacement names (CDN) with similar dividend yield and more (hopefully) share price growth potential? I am fine holding all for long term if you think the weakness is just cyclical.
cheers, Chris
Read Answer Asked by chris on August 12, 2024
Q: Dear 5i team.

Now that NTR has announced, and results were not a disaster, at what price would you consider a full position. Last price I saw in the archives said 65 as good entry point. It's now sub 63, so .5 position now and add into weakness, or wait it out for now?
Appreciate your help.
Read Answer Asked by Arthur on August 12, 2024