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5i Recent Questions
Q: Hi Group i am light on small caps what is the best way to play it or would you just wait?. If you like a better way than Russell growth/value please advise.

Also light on healthcare /financials/ industrials could you give me you top 2 picks (stock or ETF) in each of these sectors c/w short note on why you like them

Thanks for your help
Read Answer Asked by Terence on July 22, 2024
Q: Can you recommend a few US non tech stocks that you see have good upside?
Read Answer Asked by sean on July 22, 2024
Q: I'm looking for more momentum in the healthcare sector for the next 3-5 years, at least. I am a long term investor. I currently have ABBV and SYK but am thinking about moving on and buying LLY and ISRG as replacements. Are you still bullish on both LLY and ISRG, and do you think that such a switch makes sense in this market? Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Lois on July 19, 2024
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