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Q: I saw this article on Reuters re NVO and assume that's why it has come off the past couple of days. Does this issue also affect LLY? If no, is it time to switch? If yes, is it time to get out of NVO? "Patients using Novo Nordisk's wildly popular weight-loss drug Wegovy and its similar medicines for type 2 diabetes may be at increased risk for a sight-threatening eye condition, according to data from a study published on Wednesday."
Read Answer Asked by Kim on July 05, 2024
Q: I had a partial fill on a buy order for PFE and did not return to top up my holding . My position is too small to leave as is and I am unsure whether to add to the position or exit entirely. PFE is included in various dividend models, e.g. the AAII Dividend portfolio and the MS Global Dividend model. This prompted me to hang on. So did the many words by financial writers and commentators who have almost all been talking-up the health care sector for at least a year. Most comments by financial professionals and analysts are on how and why they expect the health care sector finally to catch up. Their focus on demographics does make sense. Yet, nothing happens to liven up the shares in pharma businesses, outside of a few stars like LLY and NVO. The share price of PFE itself has done nothing but decline. Do you the company has good prospects— good enough to ADD to the position? Or do you think I should just exit and be done with it ? (And give up on all the darn reading as research often gets one nowhere).
Read Answer Asked by Adam on June 20, 2024
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